Reposted by ABS

Right... the last day for this. Use it or lose it (or y'know wait for another offer, no FOMO please spend responsibly etc!) anyway get 33% off & fill your boots with everything from dystopian settings & political boardgames, to folk horror RPGs & hauntological Warhammer toys


Delighted to get a sneak peek of One for Sorrow by cracker!

Cover of wraparound comic book cover, Jamie McKelvie, One for Sorrow in white text top right, background is blue, grey white London befogged streetscape with bright gaslights, bottom right is the cloaked figure, black and pinkish with plague doctor mask in white, most prominently/largest then below that under an outstretched 'wing' is some human figures dressed in period with some blood stained cards arrayed nest to them
Reposted by ABS

(1/4) Game credits matter. Be wary of voices who say otherwise; people deserve to be credited for the work they do. A game release is not an accomplishment by a game studio as an entity alone, nor is it a personal achievement solely reserved for high profile, public-facing studio heads. #gamedev

Reposted by ABS

Very happy to announce our call for contributions for HGN's new theme - Technology - taking a broad view of the intersection between tech, history and games. If you'd like to write/make something for the site, get in touch!

Call for Contributions - Technology | Historical Games Network
Call for Contributions - Technology | Historical Games Network

Our next theme is focused in and around ‘technology’ and historical games. We define historical games broadly, and we encourage contributions that consider technology in all its guises.

Reposted by ABS

We're working hard to plan the Cymera 2024 Writers' Conference! The full programme will be announced in October, but in the meantime don't forget to snag your Early Bird Ticket. You'll save £10!

Reposted by ABS

Can I have my ball back please mister... Most folks couldn't reach over this wall, no problem for #CameronGreen#Cricket#Scotland#Australia#SCOvAUS#Edinburgh#Grange#TheGrange#FollowScotland#Scottish

Australian cricket player in green playing kit facing away from camera reaching over stone wall with right hand to get ball back, jersey says Green with numerous 42 on back, grass and dirt at bottom of shot, dark green foliage above and behind wall