Very happy to announce our call for contributions for HGN's new theme - Technology - taking a broad view of the intersection between tech, history and games. If you'd like to write/make something for the site, get in touch!

Call for Contributions - Technology | Historical Games Network
Call for Contributions - Technology | Historical Games Network

Our next theme is focused in and around ‘technology’ and historical games. We define historical games broadly, and we encourage contributions that consider technology in all its guises.


Though we didn't use that in the final version of our game, it's definitely an important part of medical history. Maybe we'll use it in a later game. Who knows? #boardgames#kickstarter#historicalgames 4/4

A board game play area for the Pharmacist role in the game "A Cure For What Ails You." Three patients are being treated with various drugs such as Morphine, Alcohol, and Cocaine, which was accurate for medical treatments in the late 1800s.

(1/3) Letztes Jahr durfte ich für die “Games und Erinnerungskultur“-Datenbank der @Digitale_Spiele zwei neue Einträge zu Kentucky Route Zero und WW2 Rebuilder schreiben und als Video schreiben, die nun veröffentlicht wurden. 😊🕹️🙏 #erinnerungskultur#digitalespiele#geschichte#games#historicalgames


Nächste Woche gehts nach Bielefeld zur "Geschichte als Kritik Konferenz". Bin schon gespannt auf die tollen Diskussionen. Mein Vortrag steht auf jeden Fall schon bereit 🎮 🕹 #geschichte#kritik#games#historicalgames#gamestudies#deconstruction


I'll be at the Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference in Leipzig next week talking about one of my favorite games: Mafia 2. Hit me up, if you are there 🎮♥️ #gamestudies #liberalism #mafia2 #historicalgames #gameresearch