“Never in a million years would I have thought these people would harass a Black person like that” Really? 🤔 Your neighborhood is the highest income gated community in the city. You can’t be surprised pikachu EVERY time.


People never did a great job linking to original sources anyways, but at least people would harass them into doing it sometimes, or yell at them for stealing things.


watcher comes, they have to introduce themself to the Head Judges, they do not need to have documentation to prove what organization they belong to but we do have them fill out a form for record keeping sake and they have to wear a name tag stating their name and affiliation, they cannot harass


Feel free to post pictures of your unmade bed, and i will harass you continuously until it’s made! ☺️


most will not fixate on it and hopefully only block and move on, but those who gain a fixation might lash out and harass those who enjoy the art. it is not surprising that they almost always start with going after queer people, because no matter their own identity they are doing fash shit.


Elmo uses identical woo to wiggle from sex harass, dodge fraud charges and endorse T••••. Deepak Chopra should take a cutElmo uses identical woo to wiggle from sex harass, dodge fraud charges and endorse T••••. Deepak Chopra should take a cut

Elon Musk 0 x
Unless something is done about the bureaucratic smothering of America, humanity will never reach the stars.

Late stage capitalism is just an awful thing to live through... We literally spend more money means-testing than it'd cost to just give everyone a reasonable UBI. We spend more money hiring cops to harass homeless people than it'd cost to house them. Wish we had an actual left party in the states...


how are you gonna harass people for being freaks babygirl you ARE the freak


+ i'm not gonna harass anyone who DOES make that choice, because harassing someone over the color of their character's skin or their gender or something is just stupid


I still can’t believe driverless cars are a real thing that are on our roads. But I’m not at all surprised that no one (and by no one I mean not one straight white man) foresaw how this particular technology would be used to harass, threaten, endanger and abuse.

Viral video captures men trapping woman in Waymo
Viral video captures men trapping woman in Waymo

The men temporarily halted the driverless taxi as they stood in front of it and pressured the woman for her number. "I was a bit frightened when it first happened because I didn't know what they were ...