@jajo Beror på vad du menar med förändrat? Det är alltså fel att IPCC hela tiden skulle underestimerat klimatförändringarna. Om något kan man nog snarare göra argumentet att de överskattade dem, när man tittar på de SSPs som används i AR6 jämfört med tidigare RCP 8.5. Dr Mann (finns här på […]


@troed Jag undrar lite vad du menar? Har IPCC förändrat sin rapportering, eller?


The state of #ClimateChange debate: -"You seem to have a distorted view of what human caused climate change will result in. Here, please re-read the latest IPCC report WG2 - I'll link it for you:" -"The IPCC reports have provably underestimated the catastrophy this whole time and cannot be […]


Hi, I was hoping to check my understanding of table 3.2 in IPCC AR6 WGIII. Is the number in the rounded brackets in these columns just the % of pathways that meet the condition in 2020–2100? I can't see any other plausible meaning, but wanted to double-check. Thanks!

Table 3.2 | GHG, CO2 emissions and warming characteristics of different mitigation pathways submitted to the AR6 scenarios database and as categorised in the climate assessment from the IPCC working group III's sixth assessment report.

The full table in plain text is viewable at

the thing that irks me is the number of people who seem to believe that there's any actual realistic "humanity destroys itself" scenario here. The IPCC reports don't support such a position. Just "if we don't do something, things will be much worse than if we DO do something."


Feasibility & Cost of 31 climate responses Chart by IPCC scientists ✔️Feasibility to cut 0-5 Gt CO2e 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 ✔️Budget 🟦gain Revenue 🟨$20/ 🟥 $50/Gt cut & still cheaper than disasters 🥵🏜️🌪️🌊 ☑️Let’s do: 4Gt Solar 4Gt Wind 4Gt protect ecosystems 4Gt Ag holds Carbon 3Gt reforest 2Gt fuel switching 👇


The “how bad will climate change be?” debate often is depicted as the IPCC report versus the predictions of some PhD dropout at some Koch-orbit think tank, and ignores the hardcore alarmists predicting just absolutely inescapable human misery.


The domain is not random, but let me tell you that there are a lot of outdated pages out there (notice they cite a 14-y old paper). Andrew was citing the latest IPCC report. I gave you the direct link. Good luck!


Surely the NOAA, a US government agency headed by Biden-appointed scientist with a PhD in Oceanography, isn’t “a random website”? Here’s a NOAA survey of the topic updated this year. I’ll check out the IPCC link