He needs to go. He needs to be deported. Hes a goddamned traitor to this country. He's a fucking guest. He's the shitty immigrant Trump talks about, not the brown immigrants.


there are already immigrant concentration camps on the southern border or have liberals memory holed eagle pass already?


Immigrant trying to corrupt Americans, urging them to break the law. Deport her!

Tweet from Elon Musk's mother:

"The Democrats have given us another option. You don't have to register to vote.
On Election Day, have 10 fake names, go to 10 polling booths and vote 10 times. That's 100 votes, and it's not illegal. Maybe we should work the system too."

A lot, imo. She doesn't lean into the countless immigrant success stories that created the US, not even her own. Tbh, I think the leftist depiction of the US as an "Imperialist project of colonizers" has been toxic af on immigration discourse. Harris should start quoting Reagan:

Anybody from any corner of the world can come to America to live and become an American. We draw our people, our strength, from every country and every corner of the world

A South African & a German-Scottish immigrant will make America great again. People who have immigrated, inherited their parents & are now enriching themselves through lies, at the expense of the population.


-ridiculously young person who outbakes everyone early on -person who hasn't heard of choux -immigrant who uses tropical ingredients you've never heard of


Time to revoke Elon Musk's citizenship and deport this dangerous immigrant.


Books about or memoirs by immigrants who went through Ellis Island when coming to the US As it says, I'm looking for books that speak about the immigrant experience coming to Ellis Island, whether it's memoirs or detailed accounts of the process of the time when …

Books about or memoirs by immigrants who went through Ellis Island when coming to the US
Books about or memoirs by immigrants who went through Ellis Island when coming to the US

As it says, I'm looking for books that speak about the immigrant experience coming to Ellis Island, whether it's memoirs or detailed accounts of the process of the time when it was an immigrant stationby OccasionMobile389


That is certainly the concern, and perhaps I’ll be proven foolish for trusting the base and activist community to keep them in line. I hope not but obviously can’t control that. All I know is that whatever their position is, it is to the left of ‘deport every illegal immigrant’.


Immigrant are the only people who can clean up after a hurricane