put on some extra bondage we're watching Interstellar for next 3 hours >:3 🪢🔒💫✨


Interstellar 5555 is so good!


Interstellar. Zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum aktuell in ein paar wenigen ausgesuchten Kinos. Und selbst?


"Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here." Interstellar Christopher Nolan 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 2014 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🧡 Im Kino. #APictureADay

Blick über den Horizont in "Interstellar"

Eu sabia que esse Zimmer tinha feito a do Dune, mas fui pesquisar aqui e tbm tem Piratas do Caribe, Interstellar, Inception, Gladiador, a trilodia Dark Knight, Homem de aço... currículo modesto o do homem


Pfft the likes of us would not be able to comprehend a space hamster I do wish it was a flash in the brain of the mysteries of the cosmos "the hamster stares at you at first, but then-" (a close up of the hamster's face as its eyes dilate completely; insert Interstellar scene) Game Over


Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar is a progchip space opera concept album

Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar, by Disasterpeace
Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar, by Disasterpeace

12 track album


Gorgeous image of the Rosette Nebula taken to celebrate the 5th anniversary of NOIRLab! Taken with the Blanco 4m 🔭 at Cerro Tololo in Chile. Learn more: 📷: CTIO/NOIRLab/DOE/NSF/AURA; Image Processing: T.A. Rector (U. Alaska Anchorage/NOIRLab), D. de Martin & M. Zamani (NOIRLab)

5,000 light-years away, the Rosette nebula appears to be "blooming" out of the interstellar void in this image, captured with the NSF Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.   Billowing clouds of dust and gas, shaded red, gold and pink (varying in hue by elemental composition), surround the nebula's hollow core, created by powerful stellar winds produced by massive stars glittering from within.  This photo is the most detailed image ever captured of the nebula and is being released today in celebration of the fifth anniversary of the NSF's NOIRLab, an organization that brings together five iconic programs: Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), the Community Science and Data Center, Gemini Observatory, Kitt Peak National Observatory and Rubin Observatory.

There is this Mekon like baddy for a start

The Rak Awaken

When Mars was first explored Earthlings found the Kydonii to be more technologically advanced than their nomadic cousins the Rak, though unknown to any now, in the ancient days of the Great Work, it was the Rak who had the higher technology. The Rak were much different, worshipping intelligence above all. The most intelligent and purposeful of mind ruled all the others. The Aristocracy of the Intelligent treated those less gifted as nothing more than beasts.

Now Mars is sparsely populated, and there is an Earth Settlement and mining complex, with 200 civil-ians and 10 company troops, at Olympus Mons, dig-ging out rare crystals and ores created in the fires of that alien volcano. Ships are carry rare cargoes back to Earth in exchange for earth tools and manufactured goods for the nearby Kydonii cities and Rak tribes.

One day all radio signals from the Earth Trade Mis-sion stop. The last message is ominous.         

“hissss, crackle, crackle, ...can anyone hear me? ...Hisss.....  Hello, is anyone out there,'ve got to help,         

....everyone else is dead or gone, .....I'm the only one  left....I'm Captain Mar...<muffled crash>...who's there? Is somebody there?...come out, where ever... Oh Gooodddd!!...<buzzzzzzzzzzzzz>. ”

Hidden far underground is the last city of the tech-nological Rak, held in suspended animation by a great device that watches over the city but recently awakened by the mining activities of the Earthmen. The player characters should be part of the first expe-dition to try and reestablish contact with the colony or, failing that, to avenge their deaths.

The Rak of the hidden city are divided into three castes, Scientist, Warrior and Worker. Though the city is a meritocracy, children are rigorously tested before being assigned to their caste when they attain adult-hood. The sleeping Rak have access to MSL 6 and some experimental MSL 7 technology. This includes MSL 6 rifles and carbines using atomic bullets, mono-cycles and rotorpacks.

The leader of the sleeping Rak, The Tek-ie-on, has ordered his soldiers to kill or capture the humans and to bring any “alien” devices back for further study. He has also started to contact the nearby Rak tribes to bring them under his control.

The mission of the characters should be to find out what happened, alert Earth, foil The Tek-ie-on's schemes and rescue the Earthlings, most of whom are captured and imprisoned in the laboratories of the Rak scientists. Note that The Rak scientist caste and their leader are clever and should be able to escape any number of unsympathetic Earthlings with the re-sources of their labs.

The Tek-ie-on Returns

Assuming that The Tek-ie-on and his sleeping Rak are defeated, Mars soon returns to peace. The remain-ing sleeping Rak started to trade with the Earthlings and the Mars company reestablished a colony not far from the doomed one at Olympus Mons. The origi-nal mine is now worked by the Rak. The four worlds are now ready to sign the articles that create “The Interplanetary League” and the first ships capable of crossing Interstellar space are exploring the celestial neighbourhood.

However not long after peace descended The Tek-ie-on reemerges as leader of the civilised Rak. Having seen the great wealth of technological devices the Tek-ie-on agreed to join the fledgling Interplanetary League with the proviso that the Rak can gain access to this new technology. The Interplanetary Council agree but put restrictions on the information avail-able, so that a controlled orderly approach and the integration of the new technology into the Rak cul-ture will not have any “cultural” effects. The Tek-Ie-On agrees to this and signs the papers, having no inten-tion to stick to the limitations agreed to in the treaty.

The Interplanetary council see The Tek-ie-on as a force for good, as the attacks on Kydonii and Earth-men have almost ceased as the Rak tribes join with the Ancient Rak and soon Kydonii cities become part of the first unified Mars, since the Great Work. Little do