One Episode
One Episode

YouTube video by TodePond


Findings suggest OSA monitoring should continue throughout the preschool years as it may develop months or years after the initial LRTI hospitalization.


3/ Primary care surveillance indicators   ▶️ Influenza-like-illness consultations indicator within baseline activity level, at 4.9 per 100,000 in week 52 2023.   ▶️ In week 51 2023, 888 samples were tested through the GP sentinel swabbing scheme in England, with 11.4% positivity for influenza.

RCGP Clinical Indicators (England)

The weekly ILI consultation rate through the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) surveillance decreased to 4.9 per 100,000 registered population in participating GP practices in week 52 compared to 7.7 per 100,000 in the previous week. This is within baseline activity
levels (less than 10.25 per 100,000).

By age group, the highest rates were seen those under one year (7.7 per 100,000), followed by those between 45 and 64 years of age (5.5
per 100,000). The lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) consultation rate decreased to 109.1 per 100,000 in week 52 compared to 153.9 per 100,000 in the previous week.
RCGP sentinel swabbing scheme in England

Due to reporting delays, there were insufficient results of samples taken in week 52 of 2023 to report. These will be included in next week’s report on 11 January 2024. Additionally, starting in week 51 testing for enterovirus and rhinovirus has been paused.

Based on the date samples were taken, in week 51 of 2023 (week commencing 18 December 2023) 888 samples were tested through the GP sentinel swabbing scheme in England, of which 201 samples tested positive. Among all positive samples, 28.9% were positive for influenza, 24.9% were positive for RSV, 19.4% were positive for SARS-CoV-2, 17.4% were positive for hMPV, 4.5% were positive for other seasonal coronaviruses and 4.5% were positive for adenovirus.

In week 51, positivity for RSV was 9.7%, positivity for SARS-CoV-2 was 7.2%, and positivity for influenza was 11.4%. Due to the number of samples which have not yet been categorised, data should be interpreted with caution.
Weekly positivity (%) for COVID-19, influenza and RSV in England, GP
sentinel swabbing.

Influenza weekly positivity % in England via GP sentinel swabbing scheme has risen in final weeks of 2023.

LRTI ist ein anderes Kapitel der Geschichte und kann man dann von der Logik her auch eher auf Impfung beziehen. So weit war ich noch nicht. Mir ist davor das Abendessen aus dem Mund gefallen.


Rein theoretisch sollten sich ja unrelated AE in den 2 Gruppen ausgleichen. Das kann man (quer über alle trials) schon mal analysieren. Erstaunlich finde ich LRTI bei jungen Kindern. Das ist ja eigentlich das Ziel des ganzen.


Upper respiratory tract infection - sinuses/nose opposed to LRTI (lower) meaning bronchus & lungs.


Ich kenne keine kinderklinik die bei Aufnahme mit LRTI nicht auf RSV Influenza und COVID testet. Und ich kenne einige. Bei weitem nicht alle, aber wirklich viele.


"Schlussfolgerungen Wir fanden heraus, dass sich das LRTI-Muster bei Kindern während der COVID-19-Pandemie hinsichtlich der Ätiologie und des erhöhten Schweregrads deutlich veränderte." (LRTI steht für "Lower Respiratory Tract Infection", eine Infektion der unteren Atemwege.)