For the ones still “confused”… If this doesn’t trigger a lightbulb in your head I don’t know what else will. One SAYS what they’re going to do, the other lies about it to your fucking face and you gobble it up year after year. They can both fuck off into the sun.


Lil lightbulb headed guy


Seeing say (here or over there) in the not too distant past that her key to minimising the extent (at least on a very temporary basis) to which you succumb to the ol' ADHD was to never sit down if you had things that you have to do was a(nother) lightbulb moment for me


Jupiter: The Lightbulb over Orion’s head. Sorry doggo was being a silly head!


Fool bigots by a speaker lightbulb, zomg. That's meeee GOD, obey me, or I shall DESTROY YOUuuUuUuu blblb (cheeks flapping)



Drawing: a person seated cross-legged with their palms held together in front of them as in prayer. Their eyes are closed, and there is a large, open third eye on their forehead. They are in a white circle patterned with dots and lines, against a black surrounding background. Around the outside of the circle are eight symbols: starting at the top and moving clockwise, a haloed saint seated in meditation, a lightbulb with a double helix inside, a dotted line making a square, a triangle, a broom, a lightning bolt, a solid square, and a leaf.
Drawing: a person seated cross-legged with their palms held together in front of them as in prayer. Their eyes are closed, and there is a large, open third eye on their forehead. They are in a white circle patterned with dots and lines, against a black surrounding background. Around the outside of the circle are eight symbols: starting at the top and moving clockwise, a haloed saint seated in meditation, a lightbulb with a double helix inside, a dotted line making a square, a triangle, a broom, a lightning bolt, a solid square, and a leaf. 
In this version the person is orange, the Iris and pupil of the third eye is red, and the symbols are colored, again starting at top and moving clockwise, gold, yellow, white, blue-gray, brown, red, gray, and green.

Bulb is a Sungod who is disguised as a lightbulb. Being disguised as a lightbulb enables Bulb to spy on people and gain important intel to bring back to the other Sungods back on the Sun.

Bulb has obtained quite a lot of useful information, and is just about ready to head back to the Sun and report her discoveries to the other Sungods!…

Finally tightened the glass lightbulb cover on my ceiling fan, so it won't kill me if I use it 🙂‍↕️


I didn't even realize this until I got into BTS and there's a great Boracity video on it. When they show the girls screaming for the Beatles, a lightbulb went on in my head.