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Phallus impudicus Linneaus

Bei Reife beginnt sie nach Aas zu stinken...

God, tell me about it. First Webster ruins writing with dictionaries, then doctors ruin healthcare by naming things. The *nature* is ruined my Linneaus. Then Wikipedia ruins facts about the world. Now movies are ruined by TVTropes. So sad. 😭😭😭


Jostain luinkin että kun Linneaus pisti nimeämisjärjestelmän aikanaan uusiksi 1700-luvulla, niin latinankielisiinkin nimiin tuli aikalailla, tuota, "kuvaavia" nimiä, tiedämme missä hänen mielensä liikkui... 🫢 Mutta miksei suomeksi kun kerran englanniksikin..? 😀

Oh la la! Plants With Suggestive Names
Oh la la! Plants With Suggestive Names

One usually thinks of botanists as a sober lot, given to spending hours counting leaf hairs under a microscope. So,Continue Reading


Great Pagoda, Great Bull, Front View, Tanjore, India (Rajarajesvara Temple)

Active in Burma and India during the late 1850s, Linneaus Tripe was a professional soldier and official photographer for the Madras Presidency in India from 1856 to 1860. More than 100 of his photographs of India were published in a series of six volumes classified according to the seven urban areas of the presidency. In this dramatic photograph of the sacred Great Bull, Tripe also documented the surrounding landscape and temple which, when built, was one of the largest buildings in South Asia. Created with the paper negative process, Tripe's image demonstrates his skillful use of the medium to record a dynamic perspective and a rich variety of shape, texture, and light.

Like their website makes the argument that the dairy industry is terrible and I absolutely can get behind that but I can't bring myself to make the jump to milking whales being the solution

"modern dairy farming is an environmental catastrophe. Cows are kept cramped and unsanitary conditions and are impregnated just to keep milk flowing. Nearly half of the US is dedicated to livestock production. Dairy farming alone is responsible for 4% of all anthropogenic climate change. We waste 1000 gallons of water to make just 1 gallons of milk. We can't go on like this" a quote from Deep Sea Dairy Chief Scientist Mark Linneaus
"though they were once hunted to near extinction, whales now patrol our worlds seas in huge numbers. A single gray whale, when milked, has the productive capacity of 500 dairy cows. Whale milking also has an incredibly an low environmental impact. Whale milk requires no additional feedstock. No water consumption. No antibiotics. And no ethical compromises." A screenshot from Deep Sea Dairy's about page

Check out the March Issue of Basic and Applied Ecology! The issue includes research on #WildBee#Monitoring,


I know a bit about Linneaus but not Gould... Off to google thank you!


Gelasimus vocans is the earliest "officially" named fiddler crab according to the taxonomic code, as it was named by Linneaus (although he copied the species name from another, pre-Linnean work).


Gmgm break away from your cozy branch to peek out at the wider world

Linneaus three toed sloth

We should have been suspicious when he named the Laplandish unicorn “Linnaeus linneaus”