“Holy fuck!” US pilot reaction to reckless and dangerous very close pass to US jets monitoring Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers off Alaska recently.


Air Quality Alert issued September 30 at 10:52AM MDT by NWS Riverton WY Additional Details Here.

The following message is transmitted on behalf of the Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, and the
Wyoming Department of Health.

* WHAT...Air Quality Alert for Wildfire Smoke.

* WHERE...West-central into central Wyoming, and from north-central
into east-central Wyoming.

* WHEN...From 11 AM Monday September 30 to 1 PM Tuesday October 1.

* IMPACTS...Smoke from the Pack Trail Fire on Togwotee Pass continues
to be observed across much of west-central into central Wyoming.
Additionally, smoke from the Elk Fire in the northern Bighorn
Mountains continues to be observed across much of north-central
into central Wyoming as well. The smoke is limiting visibilities
at times.

HEALTH INFORMATION...The Wyoming Department of Health recommends
that the elderly, young children, and individuals with respiratory
problems avoid excessive physical exertion and minimize outdoor
activities during this time. Wildfire smoke is made up of a variety
of pollutants, including particulate matter and ozone, which can
cause respiratory health effects. Although these people are most
susceptible to health impacts, the Department of Health also advises
that everyone should avoid prolonged exposure to poor air quality

CURRENT CONDITIONS...The Wyoming Department of Environmental
Quality, Air Quality Division offers near real-time air quality data
for Wyoming's monitoring stations and health effects information to
help the public interpret current conditions. Current air quality
conditions across the state of Wyoming can be found at

Air Quality Alert issued September 30 at 10:53AM MDT by NWS Billings MT Additional Details Here.

The following message is transmitted on behalf of the Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division and the
Wyoming Department of Health.

WHAT...Air Quality Alert for Wildfire Smoke.

WHERE...Sheridan County, Wyoming.

WHEN...Through 1 PM Tuesday, October 1st.

IMPACTS...Heavy smoke from the Elk Fire in the northern Bighorn
Mountains, and other fires in western Wyoming.

HEALTH INFORMATION...The Wyoming Department of Health recommends the
elderly, young children, and individuals with respiratory problems
avoid excessive physical exertion and minimize outdoor activities
during this time. Wildfire smoke is made up of a variety of
pollutants, including particulate matter and ozone, which can cause
respiratory health effects. Although these people are most
susceptible to health impacts, the Department of Health also advises
that everyone should avoid prolonged exposure to poor air quality

CURRENT CONDITIONS...The Wyoming Department of Environmental
Quality, Air Quality Division offers near real-time air quality data
for Wyoming's monitoring stations and health effects information to
help the public interpret current conditions. Current air quality
conditions across the state of Wyoming can be found at

I worked for a company that had a fleet of trucks fitted with a monitoring system. Each driver had to insert a fob for ID, some didn’t bother. When the fob wasn’t inserted there would be an obnoxiously loud noise. So the drivers would just turn up the radio to drown it out.


Traditional surveillance systems may not be enough to protect sensitive facilities. Live video monitoring offers a proactive solution, enabling real-time threat detection and immediate response.

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since I posted this, my OTHER cat was diagnosed with diabetes (we're taking him in today to learn from the vet tech how to do his monitoring/insulin), and our rent did its annual increase, so! ✨ get 70+ pages of


Yes. Also, use of GPS jammers is common, especially among commercial vehicle drivers (because of monitoring). So much so that it is causing problems at ferry ports, which use GPS to manoeuvre cross-Channel and North Sea ferries into dock.


Behind every act of obsessive control lies the grift. The cash to be made from monetising monitoring of all women is the ultimate broligarch app. The required basic service at $299/ annum has to be grim or you won't pay for the premium upgrades that allow exceptions. In-app loans available.


I have one of these, I've been monitoring my classrooms (mostly: terrible!) and hope to use the data to show facilities and maintenance that we do not have good air flow.


And the lead author of the new UMiami study of the Florida Strait transport stated that their results do not refute a slowdown of the AMOC.

The text states: “This study does not refute the potential slowdown of AMOC, it shows that the Florida Current, one of the key components of the AMOC in the subtropical North Atlantic, has remained steady over the more than 40 years of observations,” said Denis Volkov, lead author of the study and a scientist at CIMAS which is based at the Rosenstiel School. “With the corrected and updated Florida Current transport time series, the negative tendency in the AMOC transport is indeed reduced, but it is not gone completely. The existing observational record is just starting to resolve interdecadal variability, and we need many more years of sustained monitoring to confirm if a long-term AMOC decline is happening.”