thing is, i know it's not their fault. what good does it do to blame people for not masking? they're doing what they've been told to do by public figures, by economic forces. no individual solutions to systemic problems. but i hate them anyway despite myself because they're the only ones i can see


i mask everywhere and it's kept me covid neg through packed trains and buses, even some film screenings. but the risk's never far from my mind because i know one-way masking isn't 100% effective. lot of my friends who *do* go to more stuff, masked, they've still been getting covid like twice a year


it's not that i never do stuff. i've gone to some shows, seen some movies. mostly when i know other people will be masking. i like seattle. but i don't feel as free here as i always hoped i would, because this fucking virus turned every populated indoors space into a coin toss i can't afford to lose


Liberals stopped masking because they were told that only people they view as beneath them had to mask (disabled people)


we're used to people talking about ignorance and repression but I've never heard anyone talk about the closet as masking


never felt any stigma about queerness, just never felt like I acted queer enough to count myself in yesterday I realised probably everyone I've ever known has rated me autistic and has also rated me queer today I realised I'm just masking queerness as part of masking autism


Same, Matt, same. The only thing I know for sure is that am going to continue masking up.


Menschen mit psychischen Problemen entwickeln im Laufe ihres Lebens hervorragendes masking, und das ist für die Betroffenen nicht gut


1/2 I wondered if there might be initial tension over the response of the Columbia administration to the Sukkah going up. The students anticipated this and have public safety, admin, and press liaisons. They also created a set of community guidelines for the behavior they expect around the Sukkah.

Welcome to the Liberation Sukkah

A group of autonomous anti-zionist Jewish students are building a Sukkah to begin the first night of the holiday of Sukkot. Sukkot is about welcoming the stranger and in that spirit, we invite anyone and everyone to join us; we will have food, prayer, teach-ins and time to be with our community. Here, we will gather in prayer and protest for the millions displaced in Palestine and, now, Lebanon. We refuse to observe a holiday that revolves around shelter while turning our backs on the displacement, suffering, and death that our religion has been exploited to justify and our university profits from through their indirect investments in weapons manufacturers. While we choose to sit in our sukkah in observance of our ritual and tradition, they shelter in tents because their homes have been destroyed by U.S.-made Israeli bombs and missiles. As such, we believe that our political solidarity with Palestine must be integrated into our ritual spaces, our prayer, and our religious observance.

Community guidelines
- We embrace and fight for Palestinian liberation in this space.
- Everyone is welcome! This must be reflected in our actions.
- This is a space of prayer and we are observing a holiday; please do not disturb people while they are praying.
- Additionally, please do not chant while people are praying.
- Masking is encouraged due to our close proximity.
- Do not block walkways.
- Do not record or photograph people without their consent
- Do not record people while they are sleeping or eating.
- Do not use amplified sound.
- We have public safety, admin, and press liaisons! Do not engage with public safety, administrators, and press. We keep us safe. Tap in early and wear a mask.
- When resolving conflict, we assume best intentions and remain humble when working things out.
- Ask questions! Sing, dance and learn with us!

[truncated for space, see following post.]

and i might get fired. but, to stay on as long as i can, i am going to say positive things and pretend like i’m fine at the job masking. yup. lots of masking. fake it til you make it fail upward all that stuff.