Some fabulous medieval hebrew fragments used in 16-17c for bindings in the "Italian Genizah." Article by Professor of Jewish History Muro Perani, University of Bologna.


If I wanted to read about medieval depictions/records of mental health, who’s doing work in that field? What #medievalmanuscripts#MedievalSky


From 01 September, I return to University of Toronto’s Old Books New Science Lab as the Mark Andrews Fellow in Book Science. Watch this space! 📚📜🔬📊 #BookScience#MedievalManuscripts


Lower right: Me, skulking in a corner of a 📜 📚

Detail of the fore-edge of a leaf in a medieval manuscript: folio 358 recto in Cambridge, University Library, manuscript Dd.5.5. The final 2 or 3 letters of 1 column of text and the full width of a second column, both containing Latin copied in black ink and French in red ink. The text is well-decorated, with a border and 2 enlarged initials: 1 blue ornamented with red pen-work, 1 gold ornamented with blue pen-work. Grotesque figures decorate the right margin. At top, a golden-haired youth in a blue cloak plucks a green harp contemplatively despite the creature writhing beneath him: a pink-winged snake with the face of a bearded man. Below all this, at lower right, crouches a mysterious human figure. Clad in a silvery grey hooded cloak, the stranger grasps an open book with both hands, glancing out at us, sidelong, with an expression either knowing or furtive. Is this enigmatic bibliophile pondering … or plotting?

Error correction in the margin of a Book of Hours from Girton College, Cambridge. #MedievalManuscripts#Art#Devotion#Editing 📜 📚

Detail of a parchment leaf in a medieval manuscript: page 437 in Girton College, manuscript 3. Visible are 10 lines of Latin text copied mostly in black with a few words in red, and ornamented with 2 illuminated initials: a small paragraph symbol in gold on a burgundy ground, and a letter ‘D’, 2 lines high, rendered in gold on a square ground divided diagonally into dark blue and dark red. In the right margin, another hand has added in a bit of text skipped during the original copying of the page: 3 very short line of Latin text opening with a tiny illuminated initial ‘F’ rendered in gold atop a burgundy ground.