Next worst case: flooding will cause a significant methane signal! If the methane concentration increases fast in the atmosphere you have to take the direct effect of methane, which is ~120 times stronger then CO2! The 2024 signal should be enormous then... #climate#uöäü1methane#uöäü1feedbacks

Inverse modeling of 2010–2022 satellite observations shows that inundation of the wet tropics drove the 2020–2022 methane surge | PNAS
Inverse modeling of 2010–2022 satellite observations shows that inundation of the wet tropics drove the 2020–2022 methane surge | PNAS

Atmospheric methane concentrations rose rapidly over the past decade and surged in 2020–2022 but the causes have been unclear. We find from inverse...


You *could* electrowin steel; there isn’t any sort of thermodynamic rule against it I don’t know if anyone has developed such a process, but there is an interesting cycle that takes in methane, iron ore, and electricity, and outputs high-purity iron, medium-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons, and water


Fitz would annihilate the sandwich and then explode our house with his methane production.


Burying carbon dioxide - whether captured from smokestacks or the outdoor air - also has no impact on methane pollution from fossil fuel infrastructure. To date, methane pollution has caused ~0.5 C of global warming, compared to ~0.8 C from all CO2 pollution since the Industrial Revolution.


I miss old, non-bullshit captchas, and the comics people would make about the weird word combos in them

A three panel MS paint comic. In the first panel, someone is cutting a log with a chainsaw. A person behind them says, "Hey what are you doing in my forest?" In the second panel, they're just staring at each other. In the final panel, the person with the chainsaw says, "Lumberly actions", with the words in a wavy font to show they were lifted from a captcha.
A four panel paint comic. In the first panel, people trapped in a house are yelling, "Help, our house is full of methane gas!". In the second panel, a worried person says, "Someone needs to go inside and save those people." In the third panel, a smiling person with flaming matches stuck in their ears says, "I'll go." In the final panel, a person looking panicked with a hand outstretched says, "matchear dont", with the words in a wavy font to show they were lifted from a captcha.
A four panel MS paint comic. In the first panel, a teacher is writing on the blackboard facing away from the class. In the second panel, one of the students says, "Turgle turgle". In the third panel, the teacher is looking at the class. In the final panel, the teacher angrily says, "who turgled", with the words in a wavy font to show they were lifted from a captcha.