I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to it anymore, but how I'm progressing Vesper's Host by myself blind, with minimal hints (I had to get one for the first boss fight), I'm honestly very proud of myself.


Hahaha don’t look to me for 100% safe all the time but actually, when scraping bark with light/minimal pressure, i find sometimes towards me gives me more control and is safer. I just aim to stop 6+ inches before my body


I’m still stunned that I got to write about one of my favorite poets, Aram Saroyan, and talk to him about the minimal poems that did so much to broaden my sense of what poetry can be. Here’s a sampler of Saroyan’s work + a few snippets from our conversation:

Aram Saroyan’s minimal poem “lighght”
A quote from the sampler: “Paradoxically, ‘lighght’ reads too quickly and too slowly at once: too quickly in the sense that your eye passes over it instantly, like a camera flash, nowhere near the minute or more it might take to read some traditional poems, during which readers can settle into a cadence even if they don’t understand the writing right away. But ‘lighght’ has an essential slowness, too, in that after your eye moves through the word it has nothing else to linger on, no next line to get to: it gets stuck on the single almost-word, like the imprint on your retina of a bright light you looked at for too long that won’t go away.”
Another minimal poem of Saroyan’s, which consists of fifteen instances of the word “night” printed in one horizontal line across the page. The poem as originally published also included a facing page with an identical line of “night”s
Another quote from the sampler: “When first printed in Poetry in June 1968, ‘[Poem]’ consisted of thirty instances of the word ‘night,’ all together on the same line: fifteen on each page of a two-page spread. This is night as a horizon, a site of both the calm monotony of sleep and the endless, vibrant possibility of nightlife, the ecstatic way it can take us out of our day-selves and into a new ease and freedom only possible after dark. This tension feels essential to what night is: it comes every day in a predictable rhythm, but what happens when it arrives is the spontaneous stuff of life, of creation.

2. Melt the butter and sugar over low heat. Remove from heat and stir a lot. At some point, you’ll only have minimal melted butter that’s not incorporated with the sugar. 3. Add the chocolate chips and stir. Tip: keep the chips in the fridge, and you’ll help cool down the butter mixture.


oktoberfest mas a unica diferença Ê que toca somente minimal techno/house alemão


just a reminder my ghoap content is very minimal- the only ghoap i enjoy is 09 mw2 so if i DO end up making ghoap content its probs gonna be them only


I’m in a role with minimal meetings, so I try to tag on a general “but [day/time of day] works best” as well. Esp. since I’m often signed on before 7:30 most days.


25. It's okay to have campaigns with minimal combat or with nothing but combat. If it wasn't discussed at the start, it's okay to (politely) step out of the game if it's not what you want. But if you know you're playing a social game, don't build Fighter McFighty and whine about not having combat


I'd rather go to Luna; it's close enough for minimal lag and also Musk won't be there.


Hi friends! I’m a photographer in Southern Illinois specializing in concerts, bands, and light painting. I don’t use photoshop or AI to create effects, all images are made in-camera with minimal exposure/color edits. Check out my site for prints and contact me to book 📸 #photography#lightpainting

Photograph of Jen’s silhouette standing in front of purple lit glass with spiral lights behind her.
Photograph of Vince Herman playing guitar with rainbow spiral lights behind him.
Photograph of Adeem the Artist at night, smoking and standing in front of a microphone.
Photograph of Woodbox Gang lit up in green and blue playing to a large crowd at Little Grassy Get Down Festival.