Eh, public polling was pretty mixed. If you ask “invade Iraq, yes/no” the polls showed a slight yes advantage. But if you ask about unilateral invasion without UN approval it cratered to like 31%. Also, some polls showed large majorities thinking the war was a mistake by early 2004.


cis white men having podcasts was a mistake. throw that man away.


With this being my first ever flight, and my first ever solo trip out of the state, I’ve made very many mistakes setting things up. This, however, was an extreme mistake that could have been easily avoided. I have to call the travel agency and try to change flights, really soon.


4-1. My opponent outled me game one, and then a Turn 1 crit made it hard to play the second game. My opponent was very skilled as well. I also have other very pressing things on my mind right now (I realize I’ve made a dire mistake).


.. i came to appreciate how badly things can go wrong for you if you make a mistake usung an angle grinder. Angle grinders have disks rotating at maybe 10k rotations per minute. These are serious bits of equipment. PPE is necessary but not sufficient to ensure safety. I also figured an alternative..


I don’t think you’re a plant, that’d be news and no mistake!!!


MY MISTAKE IT'S EPISODE 6 The deer posting to this account will be punished accordingly


Not making Roy Wood Jr the host of the Daily Show was such a massive mistake


Had me going in the first half, I’m not gonna lie The main reason why I use my own laptop is because I have other ventures that have nothing to do with my day job And this might be the other reason

LinkedIn cap

Ken Cheng
I want to connect with you, emotionally:)
I was giving a presentation to the whole office and it switched to another tab abruptly. It was porn.
I was mortified. Many were sympathetic, laughed it off and said it was just a mistake and I'm only human.
I even got a few DM slides from employees who were intrigued about my habits, but i decided to keep things professional at work by not replying until I was at home.
However, one employee Geoff came in to tell me he found it a bit inappropriate that I had a porn tab open at work.
I fired Geoff immediately.
I find being judgemental of others' innocent mistakes to be a major red flag, and it was a perfect way to root that out.
The twist?
I pulled up that porn tab on purpose.
I wanted to weed out the prudes with their outdated "don't look at porn at work" moralism. I'd never make a rookie error like that. I've been watching porn at work for 20 years.
€CO 102

Letting Russia continue in Ukraine continues to be a terrible mistake.