I've got a lot of European comics of the more outside-the-mainstream kind, like the entire Rork series Started buying comics in the '80s, also have a lot of Moebius


This introduction to Moebius’ “The World of Edena” hit me pretty hard. Transcription in the alt text, sorry for the potato photo.

I never give the keys to my stories. My stories are not like a box of spaghetti, and the don’t come with instructions on how long you must put them in boiling water before you eat. I deliberately never help anyone, because if I do that, I feel I'm undercutting the pleasure of the reader: one's freedom to find in my stories what they find interesting. Besides, if I'm so proud of my work, it must be allowed to stand alone. I must tell the reader: "I've done my part, now it's your turn to be creative!"

However, we artists can only go as far as the people can follow us. We are not alone; we are part of a system. We can take risks, but if you want to go to the peak of your consciousness, you may very well find yourself alone. Even if you know how to translate what you saw, maybe only ten people will be able to understand what you tell. But if you have faith in your vision and retell it again and again, you will start noticing that, after a time, more people will begin to catch up with you. I certainly found that with my stories. It is a little bit the same in science and technology—a discovery begins with a scientist alone in his laboratory; then ten years later, everybody has "it" in their living rooms.

GG! I tried it because of the Moebius-esque visual style and really dug it.


nirvana moebius 🔥🔥🔥


Moebius #scifiart 💫


tem um filme coreano que me lembra mto os filmes do takashi, principalmente visitor e audition, se chama moebius, se tiver curiosidade dá uma olhada


Sobre a direção arte, acho que foi mais o caso do estilo gráfico não combinar com o estilo dos personagens. Vendo os concept arts dá pra ver que se inspiraram muito em Moebius pra criar o design dos personagens e mundo.


art by Moebius

illustration of a person observing a large humanoid head structure

but also: this is actually just moebius!!!