I found the end of the first reading from Morning Prayer today particularly poignant in the light of the news (2 Kings 6.1-23). And the canticle refrain - ‘Spirit of God, teach us your ways, that we may walk in the paths of peace.’ #MorningPrayer


#MorningPrayer Keep us faithful, Lord, to your calling upon us that we should share your love, whenever and however we can. Grant us your grace and strength that we might never pass on a chance to show, in our words and our ways, something of the difference you make in our lives.


#MorningPrayer Open our eyes, Lord, to the wonders of your glory, to the splendour of your love; may we ever seek the way of your wisdom, the path of your peace, the light of your love in our lives and in the world. Fill our hearts with yearning for your kingdom, for life in you.


#MorningPrayer Lord, you command your angels, to watch over your people, to defend your church. Help us to be aware of the ministry of all your servants, of the blessings they bring us. Guide us to give our own love, support, ministry and blessings to all around us, near and far.


#MorningPrayer Inspire in us, Lord, the joyful simplicity and kenotic humility that displays your love, your mercy, your peace to all, whether high and mighty or weak and powerless. May we show not only the faith we have in you, but the faith you have in us as we follow your way.


#MorningPrayer In whatever situations we find ourselves, Lord, in whatever circumstances we encounter, help us by your grace to show forth your presence in our lives, to manifest the joy of your kingdom, to articulate your love as it inspires our thoughts, our words, our actions.


#MorningPrayer Lord, fill us with your gift of wisdom, that we may be ready and willing to show your grace in our own lives, to tell of your promises and purposes for the wellbeing of all, to work for the peace and justice of your kingdom, to speak truth to power and love to all.


#MorningPrayer Grant us, Lord, opportunities to be heard, opportunities to share the hope we have in you, opportunities to show the work of your love in our lives. Guard us and guide us to the places where, to the people in whom, we find an openness to know of the life you bring.


#MorningPrayer Give us, Lord, the renewing of your Spirit, the refreshment of your peace, the reassurance of your love, the resilience of knowing you stand with us. Help us stand with you; lead and guide us as we seek to live out your gospel in all we are and all we do, this day.


Paul really is a holy chaos goblin. #MorningPrayer