But of course! the pacific can’t get all the fun!

NOAA satellite image showing three major storms and two possible developments

10.7cm #Solar#SSN#SFI: 2024-09-29T20:00:00 : 209 Estimated Kp: 2024-09-30T00:21:00 : 1 EISN (observed SSN): 2024-09-29T00:00:00 : 161 SFI/Kp source: NOAA SWPC EISN source: WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels


ONE HURRICANE. and the NOAA trend is for more hurricanes of category 3-4 in future years. Insurance actuaries will raise home insurance rates in: - hurricane zone -tornado alley -annual flood plains -fire zones -landslide areas -avalanche areas -snow/ice storm areas UM... everywhere.


I don’t see any systems active there via noaa … maybe app didn’t refresh?


There's at least 103 dead from Hurricane Helene so it seems the South has a choice to make in TX, TN, and FL as to Senate control while considering the Republican stance on climate change, FEMA, NOAA, et al., along with the danger currently presented by warming Gulf of Mexico waters.


Republican voters might not cause the disasters, but they sure as heck can make them worse. Remember "heckuva job" during/after Katrina? Treason 2025 would cripple NOAA (which includes NWS which includes NHC) and FEMA, which would definitely make the next disaster worse.


Tons of abandoned ‘ghost nets’ are adrift in the ocean, continuing to do what they do best: kill marine life. The good news is cleaning them up saves animals. That and more of the best in Science and science in this edition of 🧪

Researchers freed this monk seal—and took the net that had captured it out of the water. Ray Boland/NOAA/NMFS/PIFD/ESOD via Flickr

Die NOAA können Sie vllt verbieten, den Hurricanes ist das aber egal. Das Wetter richtet sich nicht nach den Befindlichkeiten alter weißer Männer.


Sitrep from Diego Garcia. Nearly 30 years ago, I was on the NOAA Ship Malcolm Baldrige to study the Indian Ocean carbon cycle. A disgruntled crew member falsely reported that the ship was trafficking drugs. Things got exciting when the ship reached Diego Garcia and was boarded by men with guns.

Diego Garcia: What is on the secretive UK-US island in the Indian Ocean?
Diego Garcia: What is on the secretive UK-US island in the Indian Ocean?

BBC reporter gains access to the remote ocean territory despite UK and US attempts to stop her.