..Another dimension exists closely alongside the Legendarium's, a place of strife and steel in the sky...but also one of Boundless wonder. This is the one who saw its beginning: Dannik. #OC_Lore#blueskiesart#OC_Dannik


Born into the role of a Titan of the element of Light, Dannik was the general of the air forces of the Chrysean Empire, throned in the pastoral hills of Arcadia, and His domain extended across the entire Hellenic Peninsula, from the Aegean to the Black Seas. He served His Masters, the Chrysean Archons, faithfully for a hundred years. He led conquest and triumph in the name of Agonas Belisarios, Thirteenth Archon of the Empire. Many were His victories over His fellow Titans, for that was how conquest and dominion worked in Dannik's day; single champions would duel for contested realms with those lands as the prize, their populations absorbed into the bulk of the Titans' worship. And oh, how Dannik's worship grew...

But unrest had brewed within the Empire; its underclasses, the common people, had learned what was then-unknown to even the Chryseans' greatest minds: the secrets of thaumata, the power of miracles, and the crystalline fragments (self-indulgently named arcadium) in which this fundamental force accumulated.

A great revolt erupted, destroying Agonas, the entire Empire, and even the rebels who fomented the uprising. The messages from home died... as did many of the Titans themselves.

Only Dannik, by grace of His wings, remained to survive as the sole inheritor to the Chryseans' memory.

In his giant heart, he harbors the deepest-seated of grudges, to the mere mortals who undid His world and His beloveds, the ungrateful creatures who dared to name themselves Apeiron...

the Boundless.

There are no lengths to which He will not go, and no stones He will leave unturned, until they, and every last vestige of rebellion, are ground to ash beneath His feet.
Lord Dannik Orikalkon, the enormous gryphon Titan of Light, throwing a punch at a small becoated warrior lunging RIGHT BACK AT HIM, surprisingly evenly matched!
Lord Dannik, gryphon Titan of Light, using zephyr thaumata (wind magic) to boost himself into the stratosphere; but right alongside him is a daredevil in a four-winged aircraft, meeting him all the way at the sky's edge. The moon, waxing gibbous, hangs in the sky. Dannik's toga and the aircraft's wings are both beginning to ice up from the freezing temperatures at such high altitudes...


Boundless Brigade commander Mat Bonvents rocketing upwards with his iron fist to meet the descending strongarm of Lord Dannik, the giant gryphon general. The force of their fists colliding sends a pronounced shockwave out from the point of impact, showing the smaller commander is quite capable of meeting his much larger opponent with equal force...!

"You may *dispense* with the pleasantries, Ambassador." Lord Dannik is not one to be trifled with; you don't live to be 9,000 years old by being a diplomatic pushover, now do you? #blueskiesart#OC_Dannik

On the deck of a large airship, giant gryphon Colossus and general Dannik sneers down, wings folded over Himself like a cape, at a negotiating official on the deck below at His feet, displeased with a political matter and making His disgust *very* well known.