The story of the Boundless then reaches a perilous zenith ten thousand years the mechanical hand of a dreamer. Through this tempest, Mathieu Bonvents emerges. (CW for mentions of death and loss of limb.) #OC_Lore#blueskiesart#OC_MatBonvents

A chost which reads,

Mathieu Bonvents does not remember where or even when he was born. He never thought it mattered much.

His parents were murdered when he was eight by the Pirate King Izmael Cagge, and for twenty years thereafter he spent his life on the run from something or another. A deft mechanic, a tenacious fighter, and above all an incredibly daring and skilled pilot, Mat would eventually be conscripted by the Britannic Royal Navy as a way out of a parole violation, and serve it with distinction as one of its greatest drivers and pilots. It was one of the best times in Mathieu's life.

And then he realized something was wrong. An errant conversation here, a climactic battle there, and he began to realize he was not doing what he thought he was, not helping the world the way he was told he would be.

It would not take long after that for him to discover the terrible deeds his empire was committing...and the actions he undertook that contributed to those aims, and worse.

In horror, disgust, and rage, he went explosively AWOL. During his escape, he would lose the few friends he had left, and entire swathes of his body.

But Mathieu Bonvents was nothing if not tenacious; in the depths of this hell was his iron will forged into steel.

Wielding a repurposed construction prosthetic as his new left arm, from a commandeered airship he wages a campaign of liberation and of reclamation from the forces of tyranny and of Empire.
He has been called many things, from Traitor to Savior.

Above them all, however, he is best known best, and simply, as
Air pirate captain Mathieu Bonvents, the Unbound Hero, standing with one hand in his pocket as his coat billows out dramatically behind him. He points with equal drama at the viewer with his mechanical left arm. A cuirass covers the pinstriped work shirt he wears. he is cinched up at the waist by a leather belt with the crest of the Five Falcons embossed on the buckle; his work pants ripple in the wind, warping the two blood-red stripes along their sides. The thaumatotechnical (magitech) wonder of his Aether Booster boots stand, with gems inset at the knees and orbital thrusters on either side primed and ready to take off at the merest moment's notice.

..Another dimension exists closely alongside the Legendarium's, a place of strife and steel in the sky...but also one of Boundless wonder. This is the one who saw its beginning: Dannik. #OC_Lore#blueskiesart#OC_Dannik


Born into the role of a Titan of the element of Light, Dannik was the general of the air forces of the Chrysean Empire, throned in the pastoral hills of Arcadia, and His domain extended across the entire Hellenic Peninsula, from the Aegean to the Black Seas. He served His Masters, the Chrysean Archons, faithfully for a hundred years. He led conquest and triumph in the name of Agonas Belisarios, Thirteenth Archon of the Empire. Many were His victories over His fellow Titans, for that was how conquest and dominion worked in Dannik's day; single champions would duel for contested realms with those lands as the prize, their populations absorbed into the bulk of the Titans' worship. And oh, how Dannik's worship grew...

But unrest had brewed within the Empire; its underclasses, the common people, had learned what was then-unknown to even the Chryseans' greatest minds: the secrets of thaumata, the power of miracles, and the crystalline fragments (self-indulgently named arcadium) in which this fundamental force accumulated.

A great revolt erupted, destroying Agonas, the entire Empire, and even the rebels who fomented the uprising. The messages from home died... as did many of the Titans themselves.

Only Dannik, by grace of His wings, remained to survive as the sole inheritor to the Chryseans' memory.

In his giant heart, he harbors the deepest-seated of grudges, to the mere mortals who undid His world and His beloveds, the ungrateful creatures who dared to name themselves Apeiron...

the Boundless.

There are no lengths to which He will not go, and no stones He will leave unturned, until they, and every last vestige of rebellion, are ground to ash beneath His feet.
Lord Dannik Orikalkon, the enormous gryphon Titan of Light, throwing a punch at a small becoated warrior lunging RIGHT BACK AT HIM, surprisingly evenly matched!
Lord Dannik, gryphon Titan of Light, using zephyr thaumata (wind magic) to boost himself into the stratosphere; but right alongside him is a daredevil in a four-winged aircraft, meeting him all the way at the sky's edge. The moon, waxing gibbous, hangs in the sky. Dannik's toga and the aircraft's wings are both beginning to ice up from the freezing temperatures at such high altitudes...

STANDING IN OPPOSITION, in part at least, to the Beast Sisters is Indra...the mighty Tyranitar Goddess of Rock and Stone. She's a capital-letters B-I-T-C-H and you will remember it as She steps on you and everything around you. #OC_Lore#blueskiesart#OC_Indra

A Chost which reads,

Indra is a Tyranitar, a Deity that is not part of the Divinity's counsel...Her power is such that she can be classified as a Goddess, but Her means of Ascension is as yet unknown by the Divinity and needed to be ascertained...
Surya was the Goddess chosen for that job, and to Her alarm, Indra was even more frighteningly powerful than She had first gauged.

To hear Her tell it Herself, Indra was just a gym rat who got such sick and epic Gainz that She achieved Apotheosis purely by the strength of Her own back...and it's hard to contest Her Intimidating results. Worse, She intends, metaphorically or literally, to "bench the friggin' galaxy one day" and will do anything and everything in front of her to achieve that goal.
Everything, and everyone, else is so utterly beneath Her that they might as well be dust under Her feet.

Indra's normally jet-black hair has a curious tendency to shift hues and coruscate a furious gold when She gets particularly excited to fight.
Scarce are the ones who get to live to tell of this awesome phenomenon.
The enormous Tyranitar Goddess of Rock and Stone, Indra, standing next to the Empire State Building and Surya at Her normal size, an alarming 2,500 feet tall. She wears an open and torn biker-style vest, ripped gym shorts, bracers like Surya's on Her shins and over the tops of Her feet, and an INSUFFERABLY SMUG GRIN.
Indra at a SKY-SWALLOWING size as She reaches up into orbit to flex Her muscles at the planetary government's capital on its moon, while Her feet trample the ecumenopolis and skyhooks below Her tread. Her enormous, drill-tipped tail swishes through a cloud formation and utterly dissolves it.

She is completely UNSTOPPABLE.

Surya is Siva's other Sister, an Entei. She's a high-flying battler and one of the chief advocates for maintaining the sport of Pokemon combat in the otherwise-peaceful Embrace. She's a pretty big tease in Her own right, and a fast friend to all! #OC_Lore#blueskiesart#OC_Surya

A chost which reads,
Easily the brawniest of the Beast Goddesses, Surya is the Entei Goddess of Fire and Combat, the Eighth Entei chosen to sit on the Embrace. Endlessly enthusiastic and nearly as garrulous as Her sister Siva, Surya is one of the foremost faces of the Divinity as one of its Roaming Deities, hosting tournaments and competitions worlds over and THRILLING at the opportunity to battle worthy mortals in Her name!

Surya is extremely honest about virtually everything (though never to such blunt degrees that She tramples over someone's toes about it), to such a point that Sahitya adores catching Surya in logical or verbal traps just to watch Her get flustered about it. Surya also drums for Siva whenever the Suicune needs a beat for Her signature Rain Dances!
The massive Entei Goddess of Fire, Surya, rampaging through a conquered city and lifting one of Her enormous feet over a battalion of tanks, preparing to crush them underfoot. Surya's topknotted hair billows out behind Her along with Her smoky tail, and She wears an absolutely scathing scowl at the fascists that dare resist Her, Her fists balled up tight and stretching the fishnetting over them against Her wrist bracers. She wears a similar tube top to Siva, held in place by a ring, and sheer salwar pants. Her metal shin bracers gleam ominously.
An *extremely teasy* Surya looming over a city in a power squat, speaking a smirking-emoji down to Her observants as She utterly DOMINATES the skyline.

Sahitya is one of Siva's mighty Sisters. She is, in addition to a roaming Legendary, one of the premier minds in all the Universe. Don't let Her sometimes sarcastic demeanor fool you...Sahitya's heart is as golden as Her fur. #OC_Lore#blueskiesart#OC_Sahitya

A chost which reads,
Goddess of Lightning and Wit, Sahitya Ascended around the same time as Siva, and is the Eighth deity to fill the Seat of Raikou on the council. Its chief scientist, many of the Divinity's energy and communications solutions are Her brainchildren. Of late, she's taken marked interest in the correlation between the Dynamax energy that suffuses their universe and makes all these Pokefolks unnaturally big to begin with, and the Terastal Phenomenon's Titanification effects. Her duties, then, necessitate Her travel between regions and stars alike in search of the links between these phenomena!

She is the coolest head of the three by far, but Sahitya is also a serial button-pusher, and was so even before Her apotheosis.
The enormous Raikou Goddess of Lightning, Sahitya, standing en pointe atop a mountain as She poses, taking lightning into one of Her hands as easily as She reads a book with the other. She wears a short robe with a lightning-patterned Obi sash, and rings on Her third fingers and toes.
Sahitya in Her capacity as the Embrace of Divinity's chief scientist, wearing a white lab coat with buttoning going down its right side, and a belt with the crest of Arceus around Her waist. Under the slats in Her coat, Sahitya is wearing thigh-high fishnet stockings, and Her feet are clad in open-toed sandals with lightning-bolt-shaped heels.
One hand is held behind her back and the other splays its fingers out, as Sahitya glares down Her nose at the viewer with an imperious gaze...

The spotlight heroes of the Dynamax Is Unbreakable storyverse, dual Suicune deities Siva and Sabado and party-seeker Bunuelo star in this universe's grand tale! #OC_Lore#blueskiesart#OC_Siva#OC_Sabado#OC_Bunuelo

A chost which reads,

In a story close to the Legendarium's own, one may find dual deities

as its stars...!

Twin reflections of the same person who transformed into Suicune in a fit of desperate love, Siva and Sabado are Goddess and God of Rain and Wind, respectively!

Both exist in a Far Flung Future version of Pokearth, whence Pokemon and Humans live in a liberated harmony free of the need for the Poke Ball.
Siva, for Her part, works in the Embrace of Divinity, a council of Legendary and Mythical Pokemon formed in the wake of the final destruction of Eternatus to safeguard Earth from ever facing another Darkest Day again.

Siva is the Eighth deity so far to hold the Seat of Suicune, a duty that entails Her to roam to the farthest reaches of the universe and seek out new life to catalogue in the Celestial Index, and provide aid and succor to all civilizations who need a miracle!
Her travels also put her into conflict with the aims of the Pentastar Pact, a nefarious interstellar empire whose Champion claims a sinister lineage and deeper ties to the past than even She understands...
Sabado, meanwhile, as the God of Parties, Prince of Summer, and Lord of Revelry, invites all comers to His island world to know peace and good health! His is not just a demesne of raucous festival and loud noise, but a welcoming beacon of comfort for all who seek respite amongst the stars.
Those who receive His blessing are invited by His herald (and boyfriend) Bunuelo, a kind and deeply empathic shiny Alolan Raichu who rides the light of the stars to seek parties Most Worthy of the two giants' favor and attention!
Siva, the towering Suicune Goddess of Storms, stands with one hand on Her hip as She holds a crowd of excited people in Her other palm! She is smiling at them and emitting a crystal heart in response.
An Alolan Exeggutor dances near Siva's right foot, showing how large She stands by comparison: 245 feet tall. She wears rings on Her fingers and barefoot-sandal-style rings on Her toes that connect to Her ankle bracelets. She wears a simple tube top held together by a gold ring, and a sarong around Her hips.
The titanic Suicune God of Winds and Revelry, Sabado Gigante, standing still with His martini glass ever-present in His hand. An Alolan Exeggutor stands next to His right foot as well. He is wearing an "Aloha" style shirt that hangs open, showing off His prodigious pecs and fat belly. His long blue hair hangs down to about His hips, around which is draped a loincloth with a hibiscus printed on the top. He wears an anklet made of planets around His right ankle, and rings on His middle fingers and second toes.
Bunuelo the Alolan Raichu, Sabado's herald, standing welcomingly next to the silhouette of an average person, they coming up to about his knee. He wears a bead anklet around his right foot, and a toe ring on his second left toe. He wears a chest binder which accentuates his round belly, and a pair of blank swim trunks. Bunuelo holds his gigantic surfboard-tail in his left arm, while he tosses up a friendly Shaka hand sign with his right. He sparkles, showing off his status as a Shiny Pokemon!


A chost which reads,

Within the Lazurite Legendarium may be found the Eternal Library, an archive of the known universe's entire body of knowledge (so far as has been collected) gathered from across time, space, and dimensions...curated by NONE OTHER THAN...

Born of an ancient warrior's soul trapped in the remains of a ceremonial mask itself encased by the leather cover of a book, The Being Who Would Become Bookman ascended to the realm of the Gods after his sacrifice went wrong, and discovering his unbelonging in either realm, he did the one thing he does best:

Defeating the Gods in a(n endless-seeming) Cage Match for the state of his soul, Bookman gained the ability to dimensionally anchor himself to the universe, not unlike a certain thunder-god's hammer. Utilizing this newfound fixed-point nature and thrilled by his freedom, Bookman flung himself through the dimensions and universes in search of ever-greater challenges of will and skill, and ever more epic stories to tell. It would be then that he came across the Legendarium, kept by Blue Skies the Titan, and the two entered into a compact that endures to this day: He would curate Their Library, and Bookman would be ever free to call the Legendarium his home.

He would, in the near past, come into the company of a kindly priest named Sergio Benitez...perhaps better known as FRAY TORMENTA. It is from him that the masked book warrior learned the art of Lucha libre, and from then on he became THE MIGHTY BOOKMAN, The FREE FIGHTING BOOK, sworn to uphold JUSTICE in and outside the ring!

Solving Book Crimes and fighting for the sanctity of the word both written and spoken, it is this hero's sworn duty to chronicle all the forms of martial art he can learn into a Compendium of Combat!
A closeup of Bookman G. Bookman's grin of supreme confidence; the inset forehead gem in his cover gleams refulgently!
A modern interpretation of Bookman G. Bookman, wearing a snappy dress shirt which his mighty muscles bulge tight, a fringed crimson tie resembling a bookmark, a rope belt, diamond-print slacks, and comfy loafers!
Bookman Gilgamesh Bookman in his ULTIMATE BATTLE FORM, amalgamated from several different incarnations of himself across the dimensions; he has grown an extra set of arms, spread wide to embrace his foe, while his original pair claw the air before him in relish. His Yoshitaka Amano-styled pants billow in the breeze as does his bookmark-scarf; his face has become distinctly more skull-like, and the vanes of his eyebrows have spread wide to resemble wings. A stone patch appears to have been melted to his chest as if to hold it together, and a burgundy robe flows open around his arms.

He bellows in anticipation,

Blue Skies is Us; a kind of total-amalgamation persona of little and big traits from ALL the characters We've been and the facets of their personalities that make Us up! They are both an adventurer Deity, AND the ultimate dungeon to be explored! #OC_Lore#blueskiesart

A chost which reads,

We are Blue Skies!
The Deity of Adventure!

This is Us, and these are Our stories~!

Our left head, with the round glasses, is Discovery, our thirst for knowledge embodied!

Our central head is Endeavor, with the square glasses, and She represents Our will and Our desire to be as endlessly kind as possible.

And Our right head with the BADASS TRIANGLE SHADES AND CHOMPY TEETH is CHALLENGER, representing Our PASSIONS for creativity and breaking down all limits in Our way!

As seen above, sometimes We'll have a halo! It is shaped like a compass rose; sometimes it will be over Our heads, sometimes it's over Our back, and sometimes when We go adventuring Ourself, We'll hide it altogether!
A front-on profile of the towering titan Blue Skies, showing how She positions all four of Her arms, what names Their three heads are called, what Her halo looks like, and Their staggering size: a whopping 2000 feet/609 meters tall, compared to the Empire State Building!
The triple-headed titan Blue Skies in a new sorcerous tabard, short cape, armored soleless foot sleeves, wearing a pauldron and bracer on Challenger's (left) side with a fingerless forearm glove on Discovery's (right) side. The multi-sorceress stands in the midst of a roughly-drawn modern cityscape. Her hefty nethers bulge out her loinclothes, and she boasts an additional pair of breasts.

I've reinvented and expanded upon myself so often over the past decade or so that I feel like it might be fun to (re-)introduce all the characters I've been, and the per/fursonae I've become! So let Us spell out a little #OC_Lore!

A chost which reads,


WE kinda noticed that We really haven't got anywhere We keep a list of Our major characters and such, so!
We thought We'd make a post outlining and detailing the big ones (and there's some BIG ones, for sure!) to link back to, for reference's sake and just for the fun of showing off!

Thus without further Ado,
The Characters
of the
Blue Skies Company's
Grand Adventures!"

WORKIN ON IT. If you saw it on Cohost or Masto you already know, but if you haven't yet GONNA DO A WHOLE THREAD OF #OC_Lore AND INTRODUCE YOU TO THE CAST.