Beidh na leaids ag caint ar an dul chun cinn agus ar an tionscadal i gcoitinne ar an Satharn ag an Oireachtas, mĂĄ bheidh sibh thart!


hot people mobilise too

infoposter image thingy for the NATIONAL RALLY in support of the Occupied Territories Bill stuck in the Irish parliament for today Tues 24th Sept destination Leinster House, gathering at Molesworth Street at 4:30 PM 16:30. Pictured is the path that people have walked legs of all the way carrying the petition from the aptly named Cahersiveen (due to the likeness to Qaher) which means Saidhbh's Chair, all the way to Dublin to the Oireachtas, the Irish houses of parliament.
infopic thingy with a QR cote to go to the Uplift petition, background is Palestinian flag and text reads "ENACT THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES BILL!" and directs reader to scan to sign or follow a link
infopicture thingy advertising the National March taking place in Dublin at 1pm 13:00 Sat 5th October from the Garden of Remembrance to the Dail, with a disability access point at the corner of D'olier street (duleer street, if TTS reads that wrong) and College Green. The big headline writing reads "GAZA ONE YEAR OF ISRAEL'S GENOCIDE" while smaller writing above states "41,000 lo;;ed. 16,000 were children, 100,000 injured, 10,000 missing, sanctions now!" and smaller text at the bottom mentions "Speakers, Music, Chants, Kids' Arts Drop-in | Bring Friends, Family & Noise" and finally various links to the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the org of the issuance of all 3 pics in this post

Now we have a funeral; fortunately it’s Shane McGowan’s and they are going Fairy Tale of New York in some cathedral or other; we have Michael D rocking on the Oireachtas for us. Or the Dàil.


I'll be old enough to run in the 2032 presidential election. I'm already trying to figure out how to convince 20 members of the Oireachtas or 4 local authorities to nominate me. I think I am going to tell lies.


Interested in people's thoughts, but a solution might be to follow the approach taken by SC in Carmody and prohibit prosecution of the two applicants until the Oireachtas takes steps to address the unconstitutional discrimination identified in the Court's judgment.


Based on recent events I am forced to conclude that along with nominations from local authorities or the Oireachtas, there is a secret third way to get nominated to run for president of Ireland: snorting your own bodyweight in cocaine


Enjoy the Houses of the