Was Bill McGuire schreibt. Was George Tsakraklides schreibt. Was Tadzio MĂźller schreibt. #TalkCollapse

@ProfBillMcGuire: "Almost total collapse of Finland's forest and peatlands carbon sink since 2009

And this is happening across the planet

What hope now?"

"We need to shut down huge parts of the global economy.

I know, it sounds extreme. But your children won’t survive this. And they won’t get to know what a forest is beyond pictures and archived videos."

@RealTadzioM: "yes, but we won't.

so it's really about what kind of collapse do we want?

#justcollapse. "

In addition to fires in intact peatlands, deliberate draining of peatlands that have been converted to farming - mainly dairying - produces an estimated 4.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. Is that counted in Fonterra’s already massive pollution footprint?

Climate impact of peat soil pushed above BP's fuel sales by huge 2022 blazes
Climate impact of peat soil pushed above BP's fuel sales by huge 2022 blazes

Two fires that tore through sensitive peat wetlands in 2022 released more than half a million tonnes of carbon dioxide, pushing emissions from New Zealand's peat soils as a whole to a level comparable...


Unfortunately not easy to find info in english, as much of the discussion about peatland conversions/forest conversions etc. are in finnish, or in government reports (mostly in finnish).. But yeah, we have a lot of peatlands in different forms, and that is added complication to land sink discussion


There is also the Finnish peculiarity which is peatland forests and their drainage, and also peatlands converted to agriculture - both are quite high in the emissions /lowering of land sinks area. These are in addition to logging and the "normal" peat burning for energy...


”Rising temperatures in the most rapidly warming part of the planet are heating up Finland’s soils, increasing the rate at which peatlands break down and release greenhouse gases into the air.”

What happens to the world if forests stop absorbing carbon? Ask Finland
What happens to the world if forests stop absorbing carbon? Ask Finland

The natural sinks of forests and peat were key to Finland’s ambitious target to be carbon neutral by 2035. But the land now emits more greenhouse gases than it stores


As you mentioned the emissions from peatlands, managing them would be a cost-effective and relatively easy way to mitigate our LULUCF problems.


Burning peatlands and increasing logging levels are two effective ways to reduce the land carbon sink regardless of climate change effects - wondering if people have teased these apart.

Burning peatlands for energy remains common

Commercial logging of forests has increased

But there are also indications that the climate crisis has become a driver of the decline
A logged area of forest in Finland