Moar fishies and a blacklight. 👀💛💛💛

A 20 gallon rectangular fishtank. It's got a couple neon tetras which have bright blue fluorescent stripes, gold and red tetras, which are tall fish in day-glo red and yellow colors, and some golden mickey mouse platies which are small golden fish with spots on their tailfins that look like a Mickey Mouse silhouette.
The whole tank is lit up by a black-light and is gilled with neon fluorescent plantlife and rocks. It's like a fish tank you'd see in a blacklight bowling alley.

2. poison ivy. also a childhood favorite. im obsessed with the poison ivy comic thats ongoing rn and im revisiting my love for this character again. she can blow up a billionaire as a treat

The cover of the first issue of Poison Ivy, part of a Pride comic series for DC. It shows Poison Ivy stabbing a knife into some steak, and wiping her lip with some blood on her thumb, fork in hand. The background shows vibrant overgrowth of plantlife.

Weekend half over, and all I want to do is just be a wee gremlin for at least three more days. Doing tinker genet a concern.

A verdant green forest floor with a lone tree visible in the frame. Ferns and other low-lying plantlife dominate the foreground. In the midground, there is a small trail looping around the tree. Standing upright on that trail like a meerkat, peering at the camera inquisitively, is a spotted genet - a creature that is very much not a meerkat, but a civet relative. With grey fur and a multitude of spots dappling it, this small viverrid's long body seems even longer fully up, striped tail swept out to the side for balance.

Oh fuck End of chapter End of story probably??? I DON'T Know how I FEEL about this ending beyond "holy shit"! Goddamn I'm going to take a walk and some time to process this

"But this responsibility was never something that I could avoid. I am your owner. The privileges that grants me are wonderful, yet I cannot accept them while pretending to eschew the responsibilities with which they are paired. Even back on Dirt, when I had placed nothing within you but ideas and dreams, the idea that I could keep you pristine and unchanged was one wholly without merit. I have power over you, occasionally because I take it, but usually because you give it. Embracing that power the way that you deserve to have me embrace it requires me to accept the responsibility of wielding it for you, not just for me."

She theatrically extracted a vine tipped with a razor thorn, gently rubbing her finger against the cutting edge. Her own plantlife separated easily, leaking sap. Katie's skin, even reinforced, would put up no more resistance. "To do otherwise would be an abdication. I cannot pretend not to have this power over you, because to do so simply invites disaster as I influen
Thatch grinned. "You will forgive me for taking time to reach this conclusion, I am sure. I will be kind, and let you wonder whether that forgiveness is one that I placed within you or one that comes from you entirely. You may wonder for precisely long enough to reach the conclusion that no such distinction is possible or meaningful."

Katie blinked, staring exactly where she had been put, with the same blank expression on her face she had worn for the entire monologue.

"Katie, resume conscious processing."
Just like that, katie got to exist again. Her tongue snaked out to moisten her lips as she mentally reviewed the last several minutes, letting the constant biomechanical feedback from her implant fade into the background.

The text hanging at Thatch's side was readable now, though katie was hardly surprised by what it said. Though she had been carved from existing material, she was Thatch's creation through and through, and no part of her could escape that touch. Beloved Administrator, and then in smaller text on the line beneath, TODO: Figure out a title!!

Katie laughed, rolled her eyes, and forgave her flawed guardian for her imperfections.

In partnership with Ripple and Plantlife, this year’s #CapturingEcology 2024 celebrates the breadth of life on Earth. We’re thrilled to announce that the overall winner is The Dragon and the Sun by Damien Esquerre, showcasing a basking dragon under the hot Canberra sun🦎☀️ 🧪🌏

Capturing Ecology Overall Winner: The Dragon and the Sun. Damien Esquerre. A bearded dragon clinging to a tree. The sun shines in the background.

3/ Mount Gerizim is lush with trees and plantlife while Mount Eval is barren and rocky. This is the perfect scene for Blessings on Mount Gerizim and Curses on Mount Eval.


Going to upload some nature photography and macros I got during the spring. These are simpler shots but I find myself so very fond of them. 💚 #nature#photography#ferns#plants#plantlife#macro#nikon#macrophotography#kentucky#earth