Signing up for some psychoanalysis 😂


“We spend most of our lives anxiously hoping we will change . . . and doing everything we can to stop this happening.” 🧠 On Adam Phillips: Is psychoanalysis a path to change, or a way of avoiding it? | n+1

On Adam Phillips | Ben Parker
On Adam Phillips | Ben Parker

It is significant that conversion, in its extremist form, comes on the scene when frustration is no longer bearable, as a failure of tolerance—the preeminent virtue of political liberalism. Phillips’s...


Unless you need to be trained in psychoanalysis or broken English, I couldn't begin to make any sense of this⁉️ 🧐😲😵‍💫


He leaned too hard into psychoanalysis in a mode of therapy that is mostly detached and almost Rogerian for me on that point, specifically. But that's another ding against this idea of "self" in IFS for me. It's a self-contradicting construct the way ICS describes it, to me.


#PostOfTheWeek (season 1): Fredric Jameson introduces here the major themes of French theory: existentialism, structuralism, poststructuralism, semiotics, feminism, psychoanalysis, and Marxism.


finally decided to get some writing out in a blog on marxism, disability justice and the pandemic first in a series of posts on 'vulnerability' and vulnerabilisation is up now and I'll plug some excerpts this week

Marx in the Pandemicene

This is a short-form blog which aims to bring a materialist analysis to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic—an intersection of Marxism and disability justice with a little psychoanalysis and critical review of the scientific literature too—in order to examine its wider role in furthering eugenics, imperialism, and genocide. The aim is to leverage some more well-theorised concepts from other fields (e.g. biopower / necropolitics, vulnerability / abjection, denial / disavowal / repression, medical gaze / iatrogenic harm, crip / queer theory, epidemiology) to help re-centre the increasingly invisibilised issues of disease and public health in the ultimate question of global liberation.

I had a dream where a community college class was being taught by RFK Jr., and I was yelling at him he didn't know shit about healthcare. He had also dyed his hair jetblack for some reason, trying to recapture his youth, I guess. I need a psychoanalysis of this, please.

a man in a suit and tie is surrounded by a grid pattern
a man in a suit and tie is surrounded by a grid pattern

ALT: a man in a suit and tie is surrounded by a grid pattern


Chapter 9, page 6, paragraph 2; wind often represents events that we have no control over, or an overreaching need to control, & wind in the city can be created by the downdraft of tall buildings, which represent the penis. Psychoanalysis could take yrs to untangle, or you could just buy a wool hat.


"No one knows if the reigning obsession with latent discourse one finds in psychoanalysis (which in effect, generalizes the violence of interpretation to all levels), if this mechanism with which one has eliminated (or sought to eliminate) all seduction is not itself a model of simul..." - Seduction