“Good start. I'll see what I can do with this, then get back to you, most likely with more money for whatever you've got. Do you need any clothes?” He looked sort of like a hard-shelled Quarren of some kind and she couldn't remember if they hated the cold or not. Taking the Sherpa in her arms and -


More quarren!! The first 2 are my high school au and then adult Quinn wearing Warren's high school jersey (plus warrens reaction) #FarFetchedShow#WarrenWebber#QuinnHuckley#quarren#fanart


Okkk, last one for a little while. I might post my Far-Fetched OC later. Who knows ;) And one Drain this time! The shitlord can have some love too #FarFetchedShow#QuinnHuckley#WarrenWebber#DrainCreed#Quarren#Fanart


I'm gonna unleash the dog inside off me and post all my Quinn and Quarren art because dear god is there a lot. #FarFetchedShow#QuinnHuckley#Quarren#Fanart


(or Quarren for the (very slightly) niche Star Wars reference).


A few more for fun. Also, it's Typhon's Rock, not Typhon Rock. Oops.

Kay and Nix roar along one of Toshara's open dirt roads on their speeder bike, Typhon's Rock rises in the distance.
Warm orange light suffuses the mountainside landing site of a traveling Quarren merchant, who runs a shop out of her ship at Typhon's Rock.
A pair of astromech units belonging to the Quarren trader. One is a battered orange and teal R2 unit, and the other a classic orange and white R5.
A fuel and power station passed on the road between Mirogana City and Typhon's Rock. Its lights glow softly, and speeder hovers out front. The sky above is full of dark, stormy clouds, their edges glowing with the light of dawn.

Remember when he woke up on Niamos and hid his cash in the ceiling? After the Narkina 5 escape, when he sneaks in to recover while a Quarren sleeps, a tiny foil unicorn falls from the ceiling. Luthen put it there for ... reasons. 1/


you know I'm starting to think Quarren is just part of a societal wave of traumatised-but-competent middle-aged lesbians. are they what the people want? maybe?