Ich so: ne also Corona hab ich bestimmt nicht, das würde sich nicht anfühlen wie eine ganz normale Erkältung, neee da ist nix Mein PCR-Test so: Ja ne red dir das ruhig weiter ein🙂🙂🙂🙂

Testergebnis: SARS-CoV-2 POSITIV 
(Eine Tabelle, von links nach rechts jeweils Analytname, CT, Endpunkt, Analyt-Ergebnis, Sondentestergebnis)
E, 28.3, 562, POS, BEST
B2, 32.0, 106, POS, BEST
RdRP, 31.2, 326, POS, BEST
SPC, 31.6, 78, KA, BEST

2) RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP), the hallmark gene of ribovirian kingdom Orthornavirae. However, ‘ambivirus’ genomes are circular and predicted to replicate via a rolling-circle mechanism. Their genomes are also predicted to form rod-like structures and contain


einer Dysregulation wichtiger kardialer Transkriptionsfaktoren wie SIX1, MEF2C und TBX5 verbunden. Die erhöhte Infektiosität von #Omicron BA.2 wird auf seine Fähigkeit zurückgeführt, über Endozytose zu infizieren, unabhängig von TMPRSS2, das in CMs fehlt. Die Studie unterstreicht

Delta, Omicron BA.1, and BA.2 induce distinct expression changes in hiPSC-CMs. Human iPSC-CMs were infected with Delta (D), Omicron BA.1 (O-BA.1) or BA.2 (O-BA.2) at MOI of 1. The expression of A RdRp, B genes important for cardiac function was measured by RT-qPCR, normalised to B2M expression. Data are mean ± SEM, n = 4 biological replicates. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. Differentially expressed genes in BA.2 group were examined by Ingenuity pathway analysis to predict upstream regulators. C Activation z-score indicates the activation (+) and inhibition (−) of the regulator, significance is indicated by the p-value of overlap. Expression is shown as log of fold change (FC). Regulators with consistent direction of activation score and expression change are shown in bold; D predicted downstream genes of selected regulators and E diagram of regulatory network, …

Novel viruses have in the previous years been abundantly detected in e.g. public sequence databases. Turns out: wastewater provides even more! Exemplified here (many more in the study) some novel bunyaviruses, detected using RdRp consensus motifs. … (7/10)


Good morning Bluesky ! Jeudi, le week-end est en ligne de mire, on tient bon. Pour patienter, un bijou de scratching et de samples. The meaning, The high and mighty, 1999.

The High and Mighty - The Meaning
The High and Mighty - The Meaning

-- Off the album "Home Field Advantage" --


My RDRP character is on a road trip with her friend tonight, so I logged on this morning to make sure she was ready to go, thinking she wouldn't meet anyone. Immediately bumped in to two people as she was leaving the ranch she stayed at 😅