Today, Victorian Labor announced they will work with Federal Labor to implement social media bans for young people, below 14-16. Just recently, Victorian Labor walked back their commitment to #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility to 14. Too young for TikTok, but not for prison.

A black tile with greyscale images of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan. In a mixture of orange and white text, the tile reads "Labor says: Kids too young for TikTok but not for prison."
A black tile with orange and white text reading "Victorian Labor recently walked back their commitment to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14. Meanwhile...Victorian and Federal Labor have announced social media bans for young people, with the proposed age being below 14-16. If they're too young for social media they're too young for prison."

“Lowering the age of criminal responsibility to ten “allows us to make sure that young people who are falling into a life of crime can be diverted into a better pathway,” she said.” BETTER PATHWAY? Sure, because gaol always leads to better life outcomes. #AusPol#RaiseTheAge#PublicHealth#NTPol


You’re 14, you’ve found a workaround to get onto social media (which is so bad for you), so it’s off to jail with you! That’ll teach you a lesson. #AusPol#RaiseTheAge


So kids between 10 and 14 are too undeveloped and vulnerable to the “insidious impact” of social media but, in parts of Australia, it’s desirable that they go to gaol as a punishment for breaking the law. #AusPol#SocMed#RaiseTheAge


We’ve been having this conversation for years, and all the expert evidence points to raising the age to at least 14 and helping children avoid contact with the criminal legal system. 14 is the bare minimum. Anything less is Labor falling short. #RaiseTheAge#FirstNationsJustice

A tile saying "Raise the age to 14. We've been having this conversation for years. Here are the headlines to prove it ->" 
Above, a squiggly line, akin to a representation of a creek or river in Indigenous artwork, runs across the image with years from 2018-2024 spaced along it.
A tile showing a screenshot of a article from 2018, headlined "Calls to raise age of criminal responsibility to 16". A snippet from the article is shown, with "The UN has repeatedly rebuked Australia for maintaining such a low age" highlighted.
A tile showing a screenshot of an ABC article from 2020, headlined "Australian post photos of themselves at 10 years old to back #RaiseTheAge campaign". A snippet from the article is shown, reading "On Instagram and twitter today, you'll probably come across a bunch of faded old photos of kids in the 90s. It's all part of the #RaiseTheAge campaign - a push to keep kids as young as 10 out of Australian prisons, and raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 years old."
A tile showing a screenshot of an Age article from 2022, headlined "Parliamentary inquiry recommends raising age of criminal responsibility to 14". A snippet from the article is shown, essentially providing the same information as the headline.

“The government will also codify the existing legal presumption known as doli incapax, which states a child under 14 cannot be held criminally responsible unless they know their actions are seriously wrong.” It’s a good start. #SpringSt#AusPol#RaiseTheAge#YouthJustice

Victoria to raise age of criminal responsibility to 12 with no exceptions
Victoria to raise age of criminal responsibility to 12 with no exceptions

Premier Jacinta Allan says bill to raise age from 10 allows police to issue warnings to children while cracking down on repeat offenders


Is it “young children” or “youths” - both terms used in article with no ages offered. Are kids too young to know what they’re doing, how they’re being used? Would they then deserve to be incarcerated? #RaiseTheAge#AusPol#SpringSt

Young children paid $500 to set shop alight in Victoria’s tobacco and vape wars
Young children paid $500 to set shop alight in Victoria’s tobacco and vape wars

Gangs fighting to control state’s illicit tobacco and vape market are using children to commit arson, inquiry hears


"...who exactly is running justice policy in Victoria — our Parliament or our police force?"  Powerful piece by Nerita Waight in Crikey today. The Greens will fight Labor’s inhumane ankle bracelet proposal and keep pushing to

A screencap of the Crikey article's headline etc. Headline reads "Monitoring ankle bracelets for children? This demonises kids - and puts Treaty at risk" 
Subhead reads "The Victorian government has decided monitoring bracelets for children and a weakened commitment to raising the criminal age of responsibility will address youth crime. All it will do is put more kids in prison." 
Nerita Waight, Mar 25, 2024. 
Illustrative photo of Premier Jacinta Allan.

Kids belong in schools, not prisons. It's time to #RaiseTheAge

Mastodon Toot from Katherine, reading "Kids belong in schools, not prisons. 
For decades First Nations communities have called for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised to 14, backed by expert legal and health advice. 
If Premier Allan caves to pressure and waters down Labor's policy, it will be a dark day for First Nations justice. This government needs to grow a spine and raise the age to 14 as soon as possible."