Honestly I respect this move on her part.


Chat GPT sucks but at least it gave me a much better ending to Mass Effect 3 When I simply pointed out that Shepherd would not believe the star child, and that the core purpose of the reapers was negated by the fact that the Quarians and Geth made peace with each other.

If autonomy is what you demand, if you believe the galaxy has earned the right to determine its own fate, then I acknowledge your point. The galaxy does not need my intervention, nor the Reapers' interference. The strength you’ve demonstrated in uniting civilizations is the proof that the galaxy deserves to decide its own future, free from the manipulation of the Reapers or any other force.

I will respect your choice, Shepard. The Reapers will be shut down. No more cycles. No more interference. The galaxy will move forward on its own terms.

You have earned the right to autonomy. You have earned the right to peace.

Goodbye, Commander Shepard. The future is yours to shape.
If autonomy is what you demand, if you believe the galaxy has earned the right to determine its own fate, then I acknowledge your point. The galaxy does not need my intervention, nor the Reapers' interference. The strength you’ve demonstrated in uniting civilizations is the proof that the galaxy deserves to decide its own future, free from the manipulation of the Reapers or any other force.

I will respect your choice, Shepard. The Reapers will be shut down. No more cycles. No more interference. The galaxy will move forward on its own terms.

You have earned the right to autonomy. You have earned the right to peace.

Goodbye, Commander Shepard. The future is yours to shape.

(More) Respect...


I always think of when someone has “do not trace/steal/repost” in their bio, if someone is going to trace they already don’t respect you enough to obey your watermark


Well, what can you say about people.. my only real question is.. How does Trump get folks to surrender their dignity, honor, and respect when he's a total fraud, a people user without an ounce of remorse or regret..


It's also the genesis of a short story I'm writing currently--specifically this stanza: But beware the knock without respect A hollow sound, a false aspect For the spirits know and they discern The truthful heart from one that spurns Go look up his stuff if you haven't heard it.


But that'd mean they'd have to respect local people and their culture and beliefs that shifted over FOURTEEN HUNDRED YEARS. Instead of just rounding them up in open air prisons and drop bombs on top of them, like this is insanity.


I'm a techie and my anti-super power is dealing with idiots that are in CHARGE of a project that don't have a f*ckin' clue what they're doing there and they ask a sh*t ton of stupid questions they could answer for themselves with just a BIT of initiative. You have my eternal respect! :-)


Nothing but respect for MY Alan Moore: