“Accept certain inalienable truths: prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old-- and when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders” Baz Lurhmann: “Wear Sunscreen.” 1997


As Roberts was crafting an opinion for the ages Mueller was crafting his report. Just not for the here and now. Yes, children, that’s the way it happened. One craftily evil, the other nostalgically foolish. And both very well respected by the arbiters of the law.


Nato is a real threat to Russia. Internacional law must be respected, period. Otherwise, any country can make up an excuse to invade another and kill civilians.


Yes, I have asked the editor if I could write a commentary in response to the article. Waiting to hear back. The potential for harm in this publication is so great, especially because the author is a well known and, I think, generally respected person in teaching of psych circles.


-thread/ typo fix- 5) "This will make you feel like you're 50 again; it will do a complete makeover on your image! You will be loved and respected again." "Full hair plugs after the scalp heals..." He signs the papers. ../x


1) Twitter's Mad King becomes such an obvious security risk that the US government nationalizes all his major companies... Including Neuralink. 2) Still reeling from the national trauma and catharsis of the close election and the death of a senior, respected ex-president.. .../x


Family courts are failing to safeguard children from abusive parents. Children's voices must be heard and respected. Their safety comes first, always. No exceptions. Mandatory training for all court staff on domestic abuse impact on children. #FamilyCourtScandal#ChildProtection


I got him to sign my copy for me a bit back, and he very politely said the same thing. Really respected him for taking that tone with me. I don’t hold it in the high esteem I did as a young Batman fan, but it still has a chunk of my comic feelings mixed up in it. He recognised that.


I mean, if you're not just doing a bit, there is a book by a respected researcher which discusses this... I know people don't have attention spans anymore but it really is worthwhile and explains a lot of things about why there's about a 1/3 of people who aren't cool.