Also on the east fleet 3 wheatear 1 barwit 1 grey plover 2 kingfisher 1 com sand 1 treepip Ian ringed 10 reed bunting 2 Reed warbler 60 birds at cuttcleaves cove


can't beat the big blue wand really! though the ringed rainbow rabbit is always fun....


Delighted to join in the recent east coast sibe-fest this morning with this yellow-browed warbler in our nets with a small goldcrest flock. It is the 20th YBW ringed at Kessingland since 2008. Decent fall of birds first thing including redwing, robin, song thrush, reed bunting and dunnock.

Yellow-browed warbler hand presented after being processed and ringed under licence.

A quick look in at Ferrybridge at 11.15 22 PB Brent 6 Bar-tailed Godwits 2 Knot 4 Oystercatchers 5 Dunlin 5 Ringed Plover c100 Med Gull 40+ Swallows 3 Linnet


Venus Pool to 0945 with Dave C - 5 GWE together at one stage with much coming and going (county record), 2 Littles, 6 Egyptian Goose, m Wigeon, Goosander, Kingfisher, 2 Swallow, 3 Stonechat, 4 Chiff, Red Kite, Dutch ringed Cormorant, 4 Red Admiral etc 🪶 #ukwildlife#butterfly#ukbirding


different space agencies): MAVEN (NASA), Mars Orbiter Mission (India), Mars Express (ESA), Mars Odyssey (NASA), Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA). Ringed Saturn hosts the daring Cassini spacecraft. Just arrived, Juno now orbits ruling gas giant Jupiter.


They had wells in so many trees and even shrubs in my old yard - but LOVED the birch - until the birch blew over in a windstorm. I was less mad about it hitting the roof than I was about the loss of their fave tree!! #birds 🪶 Red-breasted Sapsucker

photo of two red-breasted sapsuckers on a birch tree trunk. the trunk is ringed with sap wells (small holes) one bird is just right of center of the trunk the other is on the left side a little lower down. they are looking at each other

infinity (preview) full version at, thank you!

Stylized artwork of a woman with very long center-parted purple hair and a lace top that exposes her breasts, floating in a vast blue wavy void. She's seen twice -- once as a distant figure in solid pink and purple and ringed with light blue ripples, and again closer, lined in black and with solid black shadows. Blue sweat covers her body, blue tears cling the corner of her eyes, and blue drool runs from the corner of her mouth. Her expression is blissful, peaceful, sensuous. White stars dot the blue wavy background, and text above her distant figure reads "NO THOUGHTS NOW, ONLY SENSATION, A SEA OF SWEAT, OF STARS, OF SHIVERS AND HEAT". Above the nearer figure's head, small handwritten text reads "FUCK..."

In the Patreon version, you can see her more of her body, and there's a version without the stars on her nipples. This piece was tough, but hopefully the at-one-with-the-universe-and-my-body vibe comes through, lol. This is the sequel to "100%", which was the sequel to "99%".

On May 22nd, just days after sharing the western evening sky with Venus, the Moon moved on to Saturn - actually passing in front of the ringed planet when viewed in skies over Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia. Because the Moon and bright planets wander through the sky near the ecliptic