MessageTrans has been a bugpile since 1991, but a surprising result led me to an unscheduled deep-dive and some frankly horrifying undocumented stuff fell out. I dutifully documented it all. Then, just to make sure, I checked that RO5 was still compatible with the strangeness.

Grin Smile GIF
Grin Smile GIF

ALT: Grin Smile GIF


I’m guessing this is misplaced? I was stanning chemically amplified photoresists in the other thread. I worked in TB, where I think all effective drugs fail Ro5 on at least one count!


I wonder if crystal structure prediction will win one some day. Not convinced Ro5 deserves one.


Maddow and crew had a hand in his firing according to Olbermann. Katy Tur was with Olbermann. Keith claimed that he helped her during the time on the Trump trail in 2016. I still listen to him occasionally. And now Ben Affleck doing Olbermann on SNL. 😂

Countdown with Keith Olbermann - Saturday Night Live
Countdown with Keith Olbermann - Saturday Night Live

YouTube video by Saturday Night Live


I have *finally* got around to patching RISC OS 4’s !Paint to call the official SpriteOps instead of trying to roll-it’s-own palette groking (which was out of date when RO3 launched). Why did it take me so long to get around to this? It took 15mins! ⬆️:RO5, ⬇️:mine [see Alt text]

A SpriteFile containing Sprites that contain MetaData – in this case, ‘gama’ chunks defining their colourspace so that the AutoGamma module can do colour-management on the fly. Because !Paint’s source code predates SpriteOp,37 for reading the palette it tries to grok the sprite data directly, contrary to the API. Consequently it gets completely the wrong result when metadata is present. Note that !Draw has always worked correctly – it’s only THE SPRITE EDITOR that fails to use the SPRITE API!
Top: RO5 !Paint getting colours completely wrong.
Bottom: Patched RO4 !Paint 2.56 getting the colours correct, and with automatic colour management (though not in its palette window, obviously).