Links this week: Chicagoland User Group: Pre-SYM meetup in Chicago: Image: SUGCON EU Surprise - That's not cheesecake!!!

SUGCON EU Surprise - That's not cheesecake!!!

Fun #SitecoreLunch#SUGCON#TikTok#Sitecore#Sitecore#Sitecore#SitecoreSearch#SitecorePowerShellExtensions See you same time next week! 🥪🥗

Screenshot of attendees on the May 3, 2024 #SitecoreLunch call.

Megan Jensen also spoke at #SUGCON on Optimizing for Headless. "Make things easy before they’re sexy” - designing for accessibility, making headless valuable to marketing AND dev teams, and maximizing site speed and user satisfaction. (📷 by Jacqueline Baxter, Koen Heye, Sumit Upadhyay)

MJ shows a slide titled "Composable DXP" with two food images. On the left is an image of a McDonald's Happy Meal and the subtitle "Monolithic". On the right is a pile of separate McDonald's food items with the subtitle "Composable".

(Photo by Jacqueline Baxter)
MJ talks about headless. The slide on the projector screen is titled "Why Headless? Making the case"

PERFORMANCE - faster page load speed = higher Lighthouse scores and Google Core Web Vitals

EFFICIENT SITE BUILD - back and front end developers can work parallel to each other simultaneously

SCALABLE - both the site itself and ability to handle variable traffic loads

SECURE - front end and back end are separate with a lower entry point for cyber attacks

(Photo by Jacqueline Baxter)
MJ stands in front of a large seated crowd at SUGCON

(Photo by Koen Heye)
A slide titled "Headless Architecture". It features a diagram at the top showing icons representing bits of media or content which flow into a person who builds a site and then flows to literally any digital channel.

A matching diagram at the bottom shows an analogy of ingredients transitioning to a chef who then makes different foods (pizza, pasta, salad)

(Photo by Sumit Upadhyay)