// currently donating to save a life. I would greatly encourage all of you to as well if you’re able. 🩷🩷💙💉🩸 #savealife#commitforlife#blooddontation

a red poster that says without a band we can 't save anybody
a red poster that says without a band we can 't save anybody

ALT: a red poster that says without a band we can 't save anybody


A lot of runners try to look cool and run on the road to avoid multiple pedestrians on sidewalks. Don’t do it, especially if you are not facing a car. You might get run over by someone who is looking at their telephone in downtown traffic. #savealife


Will nur kurz sagen,von all den Seelenhunden da draußen wohnt der allerallerliebste nun bei uns😭🥰🐶 Wenn du auch deine Hälfte suchst,hier sind die Matches 😭🦮🐈‍⬛🐕🦮🐕‍🦺🐩 (Und die Katzis und die 24/7menschis die sie aus der Hölle holen) #savealife#tötungshunde#samtpfoten#projektunirea#soulmate

Tötungshunde Unirea | Projekt Tötungsstation Unirea
Tötungshunde Unirea | Projekt Tötungsstation Unirea

..sie haben keine Stimme... ...sie haben keine Rechte... ...sie haben kein Leben... . ...SIE. SIE sind die HUNDE aus der TÖTUNGSSTATION UNIREA. Der Tod ist ein ständiger Begleiter in Unirea, überall l...


Siegen und Umgebung,Tattoo Walk in🖊 Der Erlös wird komplett den Nasen und Pfoten von Paws of Love gespendet 🖤 #tattoolover#tierschutz#savealife#unterdiehaut#skincare#adoptdontshop#projektunirea#shelter

JP Tattoo Loft Siegen 
Walk in days 
Samstag und Sonntag 
6./7.April 2024
JPTATTOLOFT 57072 Siegen 

Erlös der Aktion geht an Paws of Love Projekt Unirea

Now is a great time to reach out to your friends who bet Dallas and the under, and make sure they’re doing ok. #SaveALife#NFCWildCard


What have you got against a mask?

AIDS Awareness poster reading "What Have You Got Against A Condom?". Photo of a man wearing a turtleneck looking into the camera. Caption reads "The simple act of putting on a condom can save your life, if they're used properly and every time you have sex. For more information about AIDS and condoms, call 1-800-342-AIDS." Logo reads "America Responds To AIDS".
poster reading "What Have You Got Against A Mask?" at the top. Photo of a person wearing a high-quality well-fitting resporator. Caption reading "The simple act of wearing a resporator (KN95, N95, or better) can save your life, if they're used properly and every time you are out in public / surrounded by unmasked individuals. For more information about COVID and respirators, visit @peoplesCDC, @COVID_Advocacy, #CovidIsAirborne, #WearARespirator, @luckytran, and find a local mask bloc near you. Logo in bottom right corner reading "America Responds to COVID".