“Even to the Depths of Hell” Art by me for the twelfth chapter of “Shadow of the Black Tower”, my story of heroics, horror, swords, and sorcery running serialized in #SciFanSat

A sword and sorcery fantasy illustration of a determined, exhausted man crawling his way through a tight and dark stone passage.

Here’s a poem I wrote that uses the #vss365#scifansat#poem#scifi#read allegorically. The poem originally appeared in Bards Annual 2023 from Local Gems Press

A. A. Rubin
Beneath The Robot's Net
The sentinels protect us From danger from above--
They have no sense of duty, They have no sense of love--But their programming's infallible,
We know, our leaders said.
It better be, 'cause if they fail, We will all be dead.
"The aliens are coming,"
I heard the newsman say--They're flying here to get us From a planet far away--So to protect my freedom, So I don't have to fret, I must learn to live contentedly,
Beneath the robots' net.
I used to dream of traveling
Up there among stars:
Of mining fields on Venus, Of colonies on Mars--
But my dreams have now been grounded, My thoughts are nothing worth;
My ambition's now been bounded,
Down here on this earth.

“Surviving Safe with 3-Laws TED” Art by me for the upcoming #SciFanSat

An illustration of a very young and sullen girl lost in autumn woods at night with her robot teddy bear. The toy is as cheerful as she is gloomy, lighting up the area where they sit beside a tree with a heart on his tummy screen.

“The worst intrigue I’ve faced? The Jester Assassin, m’lady.” She smiles. “Killing jokes?” “No. Puns,” the old advisor said. “Death by disgust!” “Ghastly. How did you ever survive?” “I’m hard of hearing,” he nodded. “It was a near-deaf experience.” #SciFanSat#vss#sff


Outside, methane begins to freeze against the side of my crashed ship. Inside, the cats lie on me with unease. “It’s fine, Beans,” I say petting them. “It’s fine, Cornbread.” Twelve hours of life support remain. Distress call still unanswered. “It’s fine.” #SciFanSat#vss#sff


Calling all writers of science fiction, fantasy, and more! Submissions are open for #SciFanSat’s

SciFanSat: The Monthly E-Zine for Science Fiction, Fantasy and More! This month’s theme is SURVIVAL. The deadline for submissions is September 21st, 2024.