⚠️ GDP is being used to make very important decisions, even though it does NOT measure wellbeing within a country at all! Luckily there are alternatives... #GrowthKills#ScientistRebellion#Degrowth 8/8

"The welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measurement of national income." Simon Kuznets (inventor of GDP)

GDP was introduced as an imperfect measure. It is not supposed to be synonymous with overall economic health.

Now that we fully understand the limitations of GDP, we must not continue to hold it as the primary indicator of economic progress.
GDP does NOT measure wellbeing within a country.
Good news: There are alternatives!

Disclaimer: it is always recommended to check what you're measuring before basing super duper important decisions on the measure.

scientist rebellion_

In UK kommt man jetzt schon in den Knast, wenn man „Klimablockaden“ in einem Zoom-Call bespricht oder plant? #klimakrise


Scientist Rebellion INTRO MEETING: Are you a scientist or academic concerned about the climate crisis? Do you want to know more about @ScientistRebellion? How do we organize & communicate? What roles can I take on? Then join our intro meeting 17/4 at 17:15 in Copenhagen!

Two scientists holding a banner and speaking on a megaphone

No climate justice in occupied land! #ScientistRebellion##ExtinctionRebellion#XR#SR

Two Scientist Rebels holding a banner that says: Climate Justice cannot coexist with genocide and colonialism

Danke an alle die heute auf der Kundgebung ihren Unmut mit diesen politisch konstruierten Urteilen geäußert haben! Und v a ganz herzlichen Dank an die extrem couragierten Aktivist:innen, die sich für uns alle einsetzen. Voller Support und ganz viel Liebe von #ScientistRebellion! 💚


Heute vor dem Amtsgericht, Nymphenburgertsr. Wir stehen solidarisch an der Seite der 3 Aktivisti von #ScientistRebellion#KlimaschutzIstKeinVerbrechen#ScientistsOnTrial