In the interest of online hygiene: is there a decent automated way to delete skeets more than X weeks old? I don't want to create some kind of script and then save it to my computer then upload it to somewhere (or whatever programmer-types do). I signed up for SkySweeper a week and a half ago, 1/


Good opportunity to share my 1953 Popular Science magazine featuring it. Right after the "New Guns You Should Know About" article (which included the "Skysweeper" radar-guided AA gun & 105mm recoilless rifle) was THIS cheerful article

Popular Science, May 1953 issue featuring an illustration of the Atomic Cannon in a destroyed landscape with a mushroom cloud so orange that they must've used special inks just to print it, and the headline "New Guns You Should Know About". Other featured articles on the cover include "New Thrills On Water" (family enjoying some kind of boat); "New Henry J is Plastic" ( a couple in a yellow convertible); and "New Ideas For Your Trip" (a family in the process of packing their car to go somewhere)
2 page spread from an article in the May 1953 issue of Popular Science, titled "If Your House Were A-Bombed" . Subheads read "Official tests show that a $40 basement shelter might save you" and "Even your car offers some protection -- if you duck quick". the article describes, and features several photos from, the atomic bomb tests where they bombed a prop town, mannequins, cars, etc.

What's a good service for cleaning up your bloots? (or skeets as you heathens call them) I found SkySweeper but it's being retired. (currently out of development)


i use skysweeper sometimes but mostly i just hand scrub every few weeks/months, that "purge your presence" skeet gets reskeeted every time to mark when i last did it. back on twt i used to do a 12 month purge every 18 months. gives you the most recent 6 months of bits to revisit.


Are there any post deletion services still running? Skysweeper won't let me log in, the one I originally subscribed to apparently disappeared.


É uma pena que o Bluesky não tenha um “autodelete”. (Mastodon tem.) Encontrei um web app que supre essa lacuna, o SkySweeper: Estou usando e, a julgar pela queda vertiginosa de posts meus publicados no meu histórico, parece que funciona


📌 because SkySweeper won't work for me either 😩


Has anyone found a mass skeet deleter they like? I used to do it periodically on Twitter before the API there broke. I tried SkySweeper but it doesn’t seem to be working?