Even the sex spammers are abandoning Elon! 😁


Spammers, spammers, and more spammers. #spam#bluesky This batch is easy to find by searching profiles for "economizaai", they all link to the same Telegram page in their bio. They're clogging up search terms like "linux" with post after post of ads.

Spammer accounts that all link to the same Telegram profile. Most of them have a wild number of follows/followers and they're clogging up the search results by posting lots of ads
Spammer accounts that all link to the same Telegram profile. Most of them have a wild number of follows/followers and they're clogging up the search results by posting lots of ads
Spammer accounts that all link to the same Telegram profile. Most of them have a wild number of follows/followers and they're clogging up the search results by posting lots of ads

So Im fed up with all the Art Scammers I get here on bluesky. So much so that I am now starting my own Moderation list of Art Scammers.


Telegram not allowing you to restrict who can message you unless you pay for the service serves as an incentive for spammers and it's souring me on the entire fucking platform. Do something about the spam already, it's so bad.


"spammers and scammers ruin absolutely fucking everything", part 2809745


But I figured I'd let people know about the resource, at least, even though I'm mostly using it to see where I left off in running our list against Bluesky search. (I only report about 75% of what I put on "Backlink spammers &c", for instance, because not all of them are clearcut.)


- Cryptocurrency shills: the home for any account that's engaging in pump-and-dump boiler room like behavior for any cryptocurrency, along with crypto "news aggregator" type accounts (which also usually go in Backlink spammers etc).


This includes scuzzy affiliate marketing, the hacked accounts resellers, the goddamn casino spammers, and (over time as I go through my list) anything linking to one of the domains or portals we have on our high-spam list. Like I said, manually vet that list: I am very, very aggressive about it.


- "Backlink spammers, scammers, and "digital marketers"": the catch-all list for any account I think is either advertising spamming services, engaging in spammy SEO manipulation, linking to those scuzzy portal aggregation sites, etc, plus any account advertising one of the high-manipulation keywords


Some notes and definitions: - "Reply and DM spammers/scammers" are known reply spam keyword campaigns I'm tracking, DM spammers I see my friends reporting, and any account I see that smells of a romance scam/pig-butchering scam to me.