Do you know the expression "motte and bailey" argument? Now you want it to be about political feasibility again after insisting I misread the docs, *and* you're back to everybody being in the same tax bracket. I'm not disputing the total. I'm disputing your understanding of how taxation works.


There's a house in my neighborhood that has a "Taxation is theft" sign in the yard (they also had an RFK Jr. sign) and I'm /this close/ to sending them an anonymous postcard saying "Taxation is patriotism and if you can't understand that you're not mature enough to vote."


These are the guys who own big houses and boats and want to end immigration and currently pay people under the table because taxation and OSHA requirements and paperwork in general are all theft. Or at least abuse the heck out of "independent contractor", "tipped employee", and "on commission".


History shows increases in personal income tax rates correspond to more immediate rises in stock prices with lower price levels. Comparatively, corporate tax rate hikes are associated with flat price level effects. Thank the Fed for taking political corporate taxation benefits out of the equation.


On parle de "double taxation" et de "cohabitation dysfonctionnelle" entre la TVA et l'octroi de mer. Mais il faut attendre une réforme, ce qui "chiffonne" le sénateur qui souligne que les contribuables qui font erreur dans leur feuille d'impôt n'ont pas droit à tant de largesses


On the one hand, I love seeing billionaires lose money On the other hand, there is a massive opportunity cost to all of the money currently being lit on fire for AI, which could (with a fairer taxation system) be used for actual public goods


Also tax laws change, so it’s silly to teach a bunch of teenagers specifics of how to do taxes. They should, however, teach the basic concept of progressive taxation so people know that the idea that you could get a raise and end up with less take home pay is largely bunk