I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts

Yeah, though I'm not afraid of being burned out or whatever, just a perpetual saga of exterior vandalism and people who won't talk to me and whatnot. Pretty sure the people a couple of blocks over who had their stuff wrecked/stolen over a Biden sign in 2020 still get heat over it.


That's exactly what his "shoot someone on Fifth Ave." thing was - bragging he could do anything and these suckers would still vote for him anyway.


These are the guys who own big houses and boats and want to end immigration and currently pay people under the table because taxation and OSHA requirements and paperwork in general are all theft. Or at least abuse the heck out of "independent contractor", "tipped employee", and "on commission".


I was homeschooled for secondary school but my mom used some regular textbooks for content overviews and nearly all of them at least had "Haiti exists and it scared the crap out of the South" even if they skipped Turner.


He's GHWB for forever insofar as I'm concerned, though they did do a trick with him as both Bush and Perot at a debate (with Phil Hartman as Clinton, making me sort of glad but also sad I couldn't find a video).

Dana Carvey - Wikipedia
Dana Carvey - Wikipedia


Both internment camps and sending the St. Louis away fell into the "why would you need a whole museum saying that was bad" category when I was a kid, so my teens and twenties were basically a continuously escalating parade of disappointment. Lots of "ugh, humans".


There's still the crime/fraud exception, which even kills the attorney-client privilege, which really is borderline sacrosanct. The other exceptions for it are "saying whether or not the client was competent and actually meant to sign it" and clear conflicts of duty.


The other ad I keep seeing features her describing the provision of transgender medical care in prison (she doesn't even sound like she necessarily supports it!) and it honestly feels like they're throwing darts at a dream board Stephen Miller made six months ago.


In Ohio they are very busy saying that Sherrod Brown voted for "Kamala's inflation bill", and it keeps cracking me up because it definitely wasn't cast as her project at all at the time and it's one of nearly three *dozen* tie-breaking votes.


That's absolutely what keeps me from doing it; it feels at least as risky as publicly supporting the University of Michigan (I'm in rural Ohio, and much closer to Kentucky than Michigan.) Not "brick through the window" but definitely "people won't talk to you, and also won't frown on vandalism."

I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts