I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts

He's GHWB for forever insofar as I'm concerned, though they did do a trick with him as both Bush and Perot at a debate (with Phil Hartman as Clinton, making me sort of glad but also sad I couldn't find a video).

Dana Carvey - Wikipedia
Dana Carvey - Wikipedia


Nah he’s forever Bill Clinton breastfeeding kittens on the Dana Carvey show. (Which had the most AMAZING writers’ room since Your Show of Shows.)

I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts