I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts

I realize that one person noping out on this stupid "Big Ten games exclusively on Peacock" garbage isn't noticeable, but I'm still not going give NBC money for this. This is likely the last year I pay for Fubo (the price is ridiculous); I absolutely refuse to reward further shenanigans.


The weird thing about foreign nations bribing US officials is that they keep doing it. Like yeah someone at the consulate gets PNG'ed and maybe the ambassador has to go somewhere else too, and the Americans are jailed, but you don't exactly get the sense that any major lessons were learned from it?


Disabled people and scarred people and all kinds of people belong in any setting that has *living* people - it's no odder than having a variety of hair colors or heights. Even if your society promotes exposing "flawed" or otherwise unwanted infants, there are still tons of acquired conditions!


It always feels vaguely ridiculous to watch Army games and see a million ads for the post exchange, which as far as I know is in that category of businesses that require no advertising at all. You find out about it in recruit training, it has a monopoly on base, you even get your uniforms there.


Saw an ad in which Sherrod Brown actually appears and speaks, but the message is that Moreno's out of state sponsors are spending tons of money making up nonsense about him because they have nothing substantive to criticize. (Not saying it's unfair, it's just that Brown's own ad isn't about Brown.)


I'm sorry, but haven't the powers that be noticed it's not even October yet? We're a solid week and a half from the start of "crazy political news" season, it's like Christmas decor in August, just put aside your keyboards and take a danged walk already.


Me talking with my family about a trip to Disneyland: "while on the one hand I am the only person in this group who has spent well over 3000 hours in the parks (as an AP and then a cast member) this was also at the resort's absolute nadir, i.e., twenty years ago, so I may not be the best of sources.


It's funny because while I'm like "well that's not actually worse than all the stuff we already knew about" I'm ALSO like "it's obvious why that'd be worse for the NC GOP". It's both worse and not-worse at the same time!


One of the best parts of having all my younger siblings and their significant others in the same time zone as I am is that almost none of my stepmom's "go to bed!!!" texts are directed towards me now. I'm the reason she started doing it, but they almost always send more texts after my last one.


I'm feeling like he doesn't actually know anything about what Roe v. Wade said.

I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts