I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts

Me talking with my family about a trip to Disneyland: "while on the one hand I am the only person in this group who has spent well over 3000 hours in the parks (as an AP and then a cast member) this was also at the resort's absolute nadir, i.e., twenty years ago, so I may not be the best of sources.


Though I did check and most of my favorite napping spots are now officially labeled "take a break" areas so obviously it's not out of date, I'm pretty sure the Pressler/Harriss decisions have mostly been abandoned by this point. Also some of my stores are now apparently restaurants.

I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts