I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts

One of the best parts of having all my younger siblings and their significant others in the same time zone as I am is that almost none of my stepmom's "go to bed!!!" texts are directed towards me now. I'm the reason she started doing it, but they almost always send more texts after my last one.


My dad and she are three hours behind us, so even when they go to bed early for them, it's late for all of us. (My baby brother always went to bed at like 3am back home but as they're responsible grown-up types and also old - 38-9 when he was born - they were long asleep by then.)

I am interested in international relations, images of adorable animals I'm allergic to, excessively mainstream science fiction and fantasy, legal reform, and so many more things than will fit within the character limit I've been provided here.
110 followers55 following1.6k posts