First #TenMinuteMerlin for me! Just in the backyard having breakfast. Not heard, far away blue jay, american crow, grackle and family of 3 flickers. I'm glad I got the loon in this one! There's a mystery loon that flies over my place at around 8 or 8:30 every morning on the way to a nearby park.

Merlin Bird ID screenshot with a list of birds: California gull, American Robin, Common Loon, Red-Breasted Nuthatch, Black-billed Magpie, House Sparrow

I got a few #birds#TenMinuteMerlin session, but storms are coming. (Again.) It's pretty quiet out there. 🪶

Merlin Bird ID App screenshot: Carolina Wren, House Wren, House Finch.

Starting the week off right with a Monday morning #TenMinuteMerlin/#10MinuteMerlin in Eugene, Oregon. So much going on outside my urban home! 🧪🌎

Spectrogram with four birds listed beneath: Bewick's wren, evening grosbeak, western wood-pewee, and American crow.
Spectrogram with five birds listed beneath it: American goldfinch, Vaux's swift, Wilson's warbler, Anna's hummingbird, dark-eyed junco.

Did another #TenMinuteMerlin at my break spot!! 🪶 It's a beautiful day with sun & big puffy clouds. Caught a variety of birds this time!! I didn't catch sight of the Pipit, that'd have been a first for me. And I finally SAW a Yellowthroat instead of just hearing it!! Also saw a silent wood duck.

A view of Lake Washington from the shore. The sky is blue, and the clouds are large and fluffy. There's some kind of debris that washed up on the shore, looks like a sheet of drywall or insulation.
A list of birds detected by the Merlin app by their calls. The birds are: Song Sparrow, House Finch, Black-capped Chickadee, Canada Goose, Common Yellowthroat, Bushtit, Marsh Wren, Cackling Goose, Chestnut-Backed Chickadee, Tree Swallow, American Pipit

Hung out at this spot again for my break to do another #TenMinuteMerlin 🪶 Heard that chipping sparrow quite a few times, so I'm pretty confident about it. Birds I saw that had nothing to say: Great Blue Heron Canada Geese Wood Duck

A view of Lake Washington from the shore. It's a beautiful sunny day.
Birds detected using their calls by the app Merlin over the span of 10 minutes. The list: Marsh Wren, American Robin, Song Sparrow, Tree Swallow, Chipping Sparrow, Common Yellowthroat, House Finch

The spot, and the #TenMinuteMerlin results! I have some doubts about the warbler and the raven. Also saw a bunch of American Coots that didn't make any noise.

A view of Lake Washington at a grassy shore, with a small grassy island in the distance. There's a snag (standing dead tree) at the shore.
The Merlin list of birds: American Robin, tree swallow, song sparrow, yellow-rumped warbler, house finch, black-capped chickadee, Canada goose, marsh wren, American goldfinch, American crow, Bewick's wren, mallard, great blue Heron, common raven.

The birds from this morning's #TenMinuteMerlin#Sweden


It's too stinking cold today for my #TenMinuteMerlin, even through an open window. I has a sad.