I'm currently unemployed, but attached to a temp agency, and on Friday I have a day of work that means I have to leave home at 05:00 to be there on time, so I have to get up at 03:00, to ensure I have some time with my Bunny first. And due to the distance, I will only be back home again at 18:00...


The middle class cishet thinktanker is doing an "academy" on having her own shit shovelled back on her in court for calling a disabled unemployed trans woman (me) a paedophile. #auspol#ThisIsLabor

Labor Academy on Dealing with the Greens ft. Louise Crawford (Labor Environment Action Network [opens tens of coal mines]), Ben Davison (sits on a cemetery board that exploits Work for the Dole wage theft) and Emma Dawson, thinktanker and former staffer of the "let's lock up refugees in offshore concentration camps" Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government

The vast majority of people who do "poll for pay" are either retired and looking for extra "beer money", are unemployed, or are college students looking for beer money. In certain cases, polls geared clearly towards a single candidate are posted, and are likely paid for by a political party 20/x


Being unemployed wins again.


And the focus groups on college campuses generally require some incentive for participation, likewise focus groups of other voters, and (simply because people have lives) very few groups other than retirees, semiemployed or unemployed, and college students have TIME to participate. 14/x


Now, the other ways that pollsters can reach out for polls are via online polls and focus groups. The people who typically sign up for a focus group are (on average) unemployed or partially employed, again typically suburban, and (unless on a college campus) typically 50+ 13/x


The IT industry is rapidly becoming a place in which you either make $350,000 a year or you've been unemployed since 2021.


Yes. I’m an unemployed game writer who has been contacted by recruiters about Prompt Engineer positions. I haven’t gotten desperate enough to consider it yet and I hope I don’t ever actually have to. My runway is a year long, I hope it’s enough.


Also tbh if I’m going to play any more of it I have until Halloween bc after that it will be Dragon Age forever and ever. The combination of me being unemployed and the first new Dragon Age game in 10 years is gonna be a dangerous combination. 😅