Unhingedpit is keeping everything under consideration at the moment.


oh right nearly forgot it's #UnhingedPit#author

tweet from E.M. Anderson with a 1-star review: "zero point five stars. everyone is gay, the ghosts have no corporeal form, and the author is obsessed with death and grief. the immortal MC doesn't even look like a hot 25-year-old! I was promised a COMFORT READ but this is MISERY. also what's with all the waistcoats." (hashtag) GroundskeeperWip. The attached aesthetic features images of faded flowers, a cottage, an antique diary, headstones, yellow flowers in the sunset, a plant sprouting in a crack, a mortuary statue of someone kissing the deceased's forehead, and a man alone in silhouette. one text box reads "you get used to it" and "I hope I never get used to being alone," while another reads, "That's what life is. You lose people you love and you love more people and you lose them too, and you [the rest is cut off]."

Twitter might have a meltdown today with all the insane #UnhingedPit#WritingCommunity

Male, brown-haired GIF of “I’m speaking it into existence” accompanying a screenshot of a tweet that says “Bordering on insanity here… 🫠 I know it’s highly unlikely to happen, BUT, how cool would it be if 1 of my #A #F #UnhingedPit tweets of gods, witches, & Death got an agent 🖤? It’s still a #WiP, but damn, wouldn’t that be the ultimate fire under my ass to finish this novel. 🔥”

We should bring the UnhingedPit pitch party over here from that other site. It’s pretty much this.