6 Kandidat der Republikaner eine Party für die Highschool eines 4.000 Einwohner Kaffs schmeißt, dazu noch am Veteransday ein BBQ Buffet "all you can" dann wählen den eben 3499 Leute, weil der andere Kandidat das nicht gemacht hat UND 2 mal nicht in der Kirche war. Zack ein Wahlmann mehr. That easy!


Disgusting how many magats post on social media on Veterans Day and Memorial Day to support our troops and back a fascist dictator and his party #ww2#veterans#military#sacrifice#armedforces#veteransday#memorialday#supportourtroops#fascism#voteblue#saveamerica#fightfascism#defenddemocracy


Because I can't let his name slip by without memorializing one of the best ever moments of trolling an ignoramus.

Tweet by Richard Grenell:
"Thank you for your service, Bill Calley!"
"#VeteransDay @kenklippenstein"
With famous picture of William Calley

Snuck off and did some #flyfishing on the Rio Grande in NM for veteransday weekend.

Me, holding a 10inch brown trout in breeding colors that i caught on a fish egg fly. I'm sitting in a the front of a raft with the sun glistening on the rio grande making it look much warmer than it was.
Myself in the bow of the raft and our guide sitting mud boat with oars. My flies are in the water and the top of the rod is pointing at the riparian area that is in its autumn oranges and yellows.  The guide is in wool gloves indicating just how chilly it was.
Three drinking chocolates are being cheersed in tiny 3oz ceramic mugs with striking messo american blue and white designs painted on them.
Myself and the guide who has been patiently helping me get better at flyfishing with the largest fish I've ever caught.  It's an about 18inch cutbow (rainbow cutthroat trout hybrid). I have a shit eating grin of excitement on my face.