Bluesky's Top 10 Trending Words from the Past 10 Minutes: ️⚠️💨1 - iqwatchesvolleyballukrainecomfortvôleipolôniajogolylesjoust (tap/click to see all posts on Bluesky featuring that word!) #ListenToBlackVoices

Word Cloud; its top words (sorted by weighted frequency, descending):  iq, watches, volleyball, ukraine, comfort, vôlei, polônia, jogo, lyles, joust, bowser, 手首, spider, slaap, pikachu, papers, noah, nacht, lap, jumping, jason, imagining, frei, format, falar, contest, carol, 05, 金メダル, 月曜日, フェンシング, дякую, wundern, wealth, trek, traurig, thunder, thiel, terfs, tastes, taco, swimming, spät, sporting, soviet, sous, schlaf, rotherham, remotely, relax, relate, racing, porra, pole, pigs, pada, nome, nazis, murdered, monthly, merely, medals, krieg, juego, invisible, inevitable, ignored, idag, hoor, hooligan, homes, helfen, halloween, growing, grain, gorsuch, godzilla, gaza, fiddle, eigen, earworm, determined, creep, cafe, braid, bonus, bolt, biraz, ahí,, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1992, 100m, 雷雨, 蒸し, 美し, 月曜, 明るく, 日差し, 所属, イケ, やらかし, день, всё, zo'n, youre, year's, y'know, wizard, winner, wilde, wifi, weirdly, wann, wag, vooral, volgens, vielä, vessel, verschiedene, vancouver, upstairs, unwashed, unnecessarily, unbreakable, umas, twist, turkey, tube, träum, troubled, trop, torcida, tommy, tomber, tie, thunderstorm, theories, tests, terminar, teens, teenager, tbm, taught, tanggal, talented, swim, sunday, sucking, submit, strikeout, strangers, stomp, stiff, stealing, standards, squirrel, spray, spooky, souvent, sorts, sollten, soldiers, smart, slug, slot, slice, slavery, sistema, sido, shorter, shocking, shiny, shelf, shapes, senin, sega, secrets, secretary, sebesar, scores, scored, scientific, schreibt, schlaft, scheiße, saved, sauber, satomi, saga, ruin, rogan, rocky, robinson, right-wing, rfk, responsibility, resistance
Hashtag Cloud; its hashtagged words/phrases (sorted by weighted frequency, descending):  paris2024, artfight, thearchers, redsox, rangers, free, 写真, イマソラ, あなた, wildlife, voteblue, visualanalytics, videogames, uspol, teamseafoam, skystorians, sciart, sale, ryr79sr, quotes, nzpol, nature, myweekcounted, longcovid, learn, languages, kleinekunstklasse, kenburnseffect, japanese, heeledhookers, harris, fursuit, filmsky, digitalhumanities, datavisualization, datascience, culturalanalytics, comicbooks, catsofbluesky, bskyart, bowserday2024, bowserday, bookjackettunes, boeing, blender, autchat, artsky, amwriting, afd
Emoji Cloud; its emojis (sorted by weighted frequency, descending):  🇧🇷, 🏐, 🔼, 😧, 🐥, ☠️, 🧶, 🔽, 📝, 👏🏼, 👇🏽, 🦙, 🥳, 🙏🏼, 😝, 🌛, ⁉️, ‼️, 🫤, 🧥, 🦈, 🥸, 🤦🏻‍♀️, 🤓, 🟫, 🟥, 🙌🏼, 🙌🏻, 🙉, 🙆‍♀️, 😽, 😴, 😲, 😛, 😗, 🕡, 🕕, 📺, 📖, 📌, 💫, 👂🏼, 🐾, 🍝, 🌟, 🌚, 🇺🇸, ✊🏼, ☝🏻, © and the have finally taken the first step. We must take the time to see how fares and if the team will do the rest. #ListenToBlackVoices

Is there a good source to quote for using techniques like pan and zoom (Ken Burns effect) to examine image clusters? Who has already written about this? #DigitalHumanities#VisualAnalytics#DataVisualization#KenBurnsEffect#CulturalAnalytics#DataScience#DigitalCulture


Asking for help: Is there a good source to quote for using techniques like pan and zoom (Ken Burns effect) to examine image clusters? Who has already written about this? #DigitalHumanities#VisualAnalytics#DataVisualization#KenBurnsEffect#ImageAnalysis#CulturalAnalytics#DataScience […]


我們選擇第二種情況為例。當然你也能選第一種情況製作圖形,進行觀察。 計算差值=每個月的真實消費者物價指數減去當月自然增長下的估計值。因為自然增長期是從2020年10月到2024年1月,有底色的區域就是這段時間。 5/ #經濟#財經#AI#MathAI#inflation#VisualAnalytics#AI數據分析#數據分析#人工智慧#人工智能#知識#學習#dataanalysis#觀點#通貨膨脹#通膨


我們一樣用此條趨勢線的數學式,繼續計算後續時間對應的消費者物價指數估計值。(見藍線) 有沒有覺得深藍色線與最新趨勢好似平行呢? 事實上,深藍色線平均每月增長0.895,最新趨勢平均每月增長0.798。 我們從這兩種情況都發現時間作用下,自然增長的趨勢線仍無法追上美國的真實物價水準。 4/ #經濟#財經#AI#MathAI#inflation#VisualAnalytics#AI數據分析#數據分析#人工智慧#人工智能#知識#學習#觀點#通貨膨脹#通膨


每個月的真實值減去黃線的估計值,就是美國物價高於“如果沒有新冠肺炎下的可能會因時間增長的物價水準”。 兩數值差距愈大,即圖上的垂直距離愈大,物價愈發高漲! 3/ #經濟#財經#AI#MathAI#inflation#VisualAnalytics#AI數據分析#數據分析#人工智慧#人工智能#知識#學習#觀點#通貨膨脹#通膨


這可以說是見仁見智。 我選擇兩個期間為“基準”。這是我個人認為的!你也可以選擇其他方式當作“基準”。 第一個期間是經過AI數據分析得到的2019年8月到2020年3月的精準趨勢線。 這是一條直線,所以我能根據它的數學式(估計式),繼續計算接下去時間代號的消費者物價指數估計值‼️ (黃線) 此時,我們能清楚看到黃線低於真實的消費者物價指數,以及精準趨勢線🤓 2/ #經濟#財經#AI#MathAI#inflation#VisualAnalytics#AI數據分析#數據分析#人工智慧#人工智能#知識#學習#觀點#通貨膨脹#通膨


圖一沒有比較基準點,怎麼能說美國物價高漲呢?看圖的縱軸說數字愈來愈大⁉️ 這是一個最直接的方式。 你覺得現在美國物價水準高,應該是看到其他物價的相對位置才這麼認為的,還是有其他方式看出美國物價水準很高呢? 1/ #AI#MathAI#AI數據分析#數據分析#人工智慧#人工智能#VisualAnalytics#dataanalysis#inflation#知識#學習#觀點#inflation#通貨膨脹#通膨


這可以說是見仁見智。 我選擇兩個期間為“基準”。這是我個人認為的!你也可以選擇其他方式當作“基準”。 第一個期間是經過AI數據分析得到的2019年8月到2020年3月的精準趨勢線。 這是一條直線,所以我能根據它的數學式(估計式),繼續計算接下去時間代號的消費者物價指數估計值‼️ (黃線) 此時,我們能清楚看到黃線低於真實的消費者物價指數,以及精準趨勢線🤓 2/ #經濟#財經#AI#MathAI#inflation#VisualAnalytics#AI數據分析#數據分析#人工智慧#人工智能#知識#學習#觀點#通貨膨脹#通膨


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