Ah, Neron, the (former) Lord of Hell. Like Lucifer, only ten times as sassy. He knows there's no market value on a fascist's soul. (Art sampled from "Nightwing" Vol. 4 #104#CaptionAdded#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#SellYourSoul#Republican#Antifa#Antifascist#Leftism#Nightwing#DCComics#Comics

A comic panel is captioned "The Lord of Hell when a Republican once again tries to sell his ratty-(censored) worthless soul for votes". Neron, the handsome blonde lord of Hell, rolls his eyes and pouts. He says, "Oh, great. It's this guy." A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit".

I'm with Wonder Woman, whether we're talking about the OG nazis, neo-nazis, or those fascists that pretend they ain't nazis. (Art sampled from "Wonder Woman" Vol. 1 #799#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#WonderWoman#WWII#Antifa#Antifascist#Leftism#PunchNazis#DCComics#Comics

In front of a large Antifasciste Action logo, Wonder Woman ropes a WWII nazi stormtrooper with her lasso of truth and whips him behind her. She smiles and says, "I loathe nazis." A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit".

This is why no one likes Eradicator. Plus he'll corner you at a party and drone on and on about Kryptonian history. (Art sampled from "Action Comics" Vol. 1 #1055#DialogueEdit#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#Superman#Superboy#Supergirl#Krypto#Eradicator#MeanGirls#DCComics#Comics

Two comic panels. In the first, a hologram of the Eradicator, a sentient computer program modeled on Superman, looks at Conner Kent, a.k.a. Superboy and Jon Kent, a.k.a. Superman in the Fortress of Solitude. Eradicator says, "I sense in this chamber the presence of a... sullied clone..." Superboy protests, "Hey!" but Eradicator continues with, "And your own half-terran progeny. Is it your wish these abominations be culled, as is fitting?" The next panel shows Krypto and Supergirl looking on. Supergirl says, "Oh my god, Karen, you can't just ask people if they wish abominations to be culled!" A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit"

Baka Super-kun! Don't you understand that I... that I like being with you! *Doki doki sound effects* (Art sampled from "My Adventures with Superman" Vol. 1 #1#DialogueEdit#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#Superman#MyAdventuresWithSuperman#AnimeTropes#NewComicBookDay#DCComics#Comics

Superman is wide-eyed with surprise, almost blushing as someone off-panel takes hold of his uniform. Romantic hearts are in the background. Superman says, "S-Senpai? Wh-what are you doing?" A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit"

There's a "My Adventures with Superman" comic book now! Check it out if you like the show! (Art sampled from "My Adventures with Superman" Vol. 1 #1#DialogueEdit#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#LoisLane#JimmyOlsen#Stonks#SunkCostFallacy#DCComics#Comics

Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane from the "My Adventures with Superman" universe stand in front of stock market looking graphics. Jimmy says, "Capitalism is simple! Buy stonks, stonks go up!" Lois says, "That's just a meme. It doesn't actually work like that, or at all for working class people." Jimmy replies, "Lois, either it works like that or I lost all of Grandma's savings for nothing, so stonks. Go. Up." A caption reads, "Days 'til Jimmy is Solvent: 7" The 7 is scratched out in red and 20 is written in. The 20 is scratched out and 173 is written in. Another caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit"

One a' my all-time favorite quotes. We're all connected, an' connected ta' the universe, an' I think that's beautiful. (Art sampled from "Green Lantern Corps" Vol. 1 #220#CaptionAdded#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#Kilowog#GreenLantern#GreenLanternCorps#CarlSagan#Inspirational#DCComics#Comics

Three comic panels edited in purples, blues, and reds. Kilowog walks through the woods under a full moon. He lifts off from the ground, then flies toward the moon through a starry sky with the power of his green lantern ring. A series of captions say, "The iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes, were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star. We are made of star-stuff. Carl Sagan." Another caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit."

This is an edit a' one a' my favorite scenes. Kilowog knows that violence against fascists is ethical, but he still don't like violence. (Art sampled from "Green Lantern Corps" Vol. 1 #220#DialogueEdit#VisualEdit#ArtTouchUp#ComicEdit#Leftism#Kilowog#GreenLantern#DCComics#Comics

Sinestro, enemy of the Green Lanterns, is incarcerated in a green bubble on the moon. Kilowog stands in front of him, facing away from Sinestro and toward the reader. Arisia Raab, the elf-like Green Lantern, flies behind them. Arisia says, "Kilowog-- you stopped!" Kilowog says "It's always ethical to hurt fascists, but that don't mean it's our only tactic." Sinestro gloats, "Hahahah! No, you are a Green Lantern! You have to have ideals! That is the reason you will never wipe out fascism!" Kilowog replies, "Course I got ideals! An' those ideals say any violence against a fascist is self-defense! But I also know tactics, an' those say just cuz it's justified don't mean it's the best action in every situation! Violence is a tool in our toolbox, but it ain't the only tool. An' it ain't the first tool we try!" A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit".)

Yeah, there's an evil lil' Bruce clone runnin' around now. This is not his tell in th' actual comics, but it oughta be! (Art sampled from "Batman" Vol. 3 #148#DialogueEdit#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#Batman#Robin#DamianWayne#DadJokes#DCComics#Comics

Robin, a.k.a. Damian Wayne, is bound helplessly to a wall. A young brainwashed clone of Bruce Wayne dressed as Zur-En-Arrh Robin stands guard. Damian says, "Are you really father's young clone?" The clone says, "You could find out, but I see you're a little tied up at the moment". Damian gasps and says, "Dad jokes! Then it's true!" A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit"

I'll admit, I wuz skeptical when I heard there wuz gonna be a Black Label comic about Damian, but I'm diggin' it! (Art sampled from "The Boy Wonder" Vol. 1 #2#DialogueEdit#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#Robin#DamianWayne#RedHood#JasonTodd#BatFamily#DCComics#Comics

In a comic panel Damian Wayne, a.k.a. Robin, and Jason Todd, a.k.a. Red Hood, glare at each other. Both have ephemeral red horns on their heads. Damian's are large and upright, like a stag mixed with a demons. Jason's are more traditional and smaller, swept back over the top of his helmet. A caption reads, "Exactly twenty seconds after Bruce gives the Robins his new portable hologram projector tech..." Damian says, "My horns are bigger than yours." Jason says, "That--that doesn't matter!" Then he says quietly, "Gonna make mine even bigger!"

Do I hate Steve Perry fer puttin' all those high notes at the end a' Don't Stop Believin'? Of course not! But also yes, very much. (Art sampled from "Shazam!" Vol. 5 #12#DialogueEdit#VisualEdit#ComicEdit#Shazam#BillyBatson#Journey#DontStopBelievin#HighNotes#DCComics#Comics

In a comic panel Billy Batson, the alter ego of Shazam, clenches his fists and opens his mouth in an expression of intense sound. Around him reality begins to crack, with red fracture lines spreading like shattered glass. Billy sings, "Street lights! People! Oh-oh aaaaaaah!!" with the final note growing louder and louder. A caption reads, "A Kilowog-core Edit".