Day 117: 1,104 words! Streak continues! I need to dig into the main characters for this Romance more. I'm still most excited writing the scenes with the 4-year-old kid one of them has. She is so fun especially with a secondary char moving into the grandpa role. #Writing#AmWriting#WHarrisUpdate


Day 115: 1,310 words! Day 116: 228 words! Streak continues! Ug, Tuesdays always end up being my busiest days, so little writing and was barely even on BlueSky. Running busy and add in another sad news day and the writing interest wasn't much there. #Writing#AmWriting#WHarrisUpdate


Day 114: 2,905 words! Streak continues! Ug... I want to commission fan art for these stories SO BAD! Had an unplanned moment come out in the writing that I can picture so clearly and would love to have an artist depict. Sigh. Did I mention I love my characters?😉 #writing#amwriting#WHarrisUpdate


Day 113: 3,383 words! Streak continues! Having fun writing the big grand gestures at the end of this book. I have the last 1/3 clear in my mind but I'm nervous that the first 2/3 is still fuzzy, but progress is progress! #writing#amwriting#WHarrisUpdate#Romancelandia


Day 112: 2,551 words! Streak continues! Making some solid progress on Book 2... sort of. It's scenes involving the main chars of Book 1 who are now side chars. Gotta work on focusing on Book 2's pair of MMCs but I'm still finding their story. #writing#amwriting#WHarrisUpdate#Romancelandia


Day 111: 3,560 words! Streak continues! Had a GREAT day writing, but funny that I'm not sure which book it will go in! It was a busy week, I slacked off updating my spreadsheet and wound up not posting a day! I know no one cares but me, but I skipped day 108. #writing#amwriting#WHarrisUpdate


Day 109: 154 words! Streak continues! Definitely hitting that 2nd book sophomore slump. My 1st was clearly plotted out before I even started writing. Now I'm bouncing between a few different possible books that are all semi-plotted. Seeing if one clicks soon. #writing#amwriting#WHarrisUpdate


Day 105: 1,346 words! Day 106: 1,959 words! Day 107: 1,366 words! Streak continues! With a car in the shop, was busy chauffeuring family around with only 1 car, but mostly was drained figuring out how to pay for it all. Managed decent writing but no real editing. #writing#amwriting#WHarrisUpdate


Day 104: 308 words! Streak continues! Busy & tiring day dealing with car problems and figuring out how to pay for it all. Still managed some words. Also, since this book isn't as crystal clear in my mind as Book 1, I'm finding myself more timid in writing, too. #writing#amwriting#WHarrisUpdate